These Covid Polices Are Going Well .....

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Active Member
Why does your missus wear her uniform outside of the hospital, unless she isn't patient facing, that's not really very good for infection control is it?
To annoy unemployed lapdogs who like to have a go at the NHS because they've been instructed to do so and don't know any better. Do you know anyone like that?


Active Member
And as I said; why are you assuming that this Nurse works on a Ward?
Because he's a bit, well, you know.


Regular AND Goofy
Why does your missus wear her uniform outside of the hospital, unless she isn't patient facing, that's not really very good for infection control is it?
I think infection control protocol has lapsed a bit since the age of antibiotics. Privatisation of cleaning services is another problem.


Well-Known Member
When this pandemic began, M&S used to have an NHS staff only hour on Friday mornings (8-9am) and my wife got into the habit of grocery shopping there at that time on her way to work. For the first time in nearly two years, I went in there with her this morning and was interested to see how many shoppers wore masks and how many didn't. There were quite a few in the clothing area going towards the grocery area without masks but as if by magic, once they saw someone in a nurses uniform - my missis, masks appeared on faces! She said if she goes not in uniform, this doesn't happen but when she is in uniform, it's like a message goes out to say, 'you don't want to be on the wrong side of the medical profession here'!

Maybe, like the effect a cardboard policeman has on the rate of shoplifting when placed in store entrances, a cardboard nurse - mask on, suitable message visible - should be placed in areas with low mask compliance?

Why does your missus wear her uniform outside of the hospital, unless she isn't patient facing, that's not really very good for infection control is it?

And as I said; why are you assuming that this Nurse works on a Ward?

After reading @PaulB post again very carefully, many seem to be assuming that his wife is any kind of nurse.

He simply says that she occasionally goes shopping in a nurse's uniform.........

Deleted member 28


"Evidence of primitive humour. The human displays knowledge of satire and imitation. With patient tuition, could perhaps master simple tasks."
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Active Member
After reading @PaulB post again very carefully, many seem to be assuming that his wife is any kind of nurse.

He simply says that she occasionally goes shopping in a nurse's uniform.........
Well I love it when she dresses up in a nurse's uniform. And then goes out to work as one. Does wonders for the household economy.

qigong chimp

Settler of gobby hash.
The cohort of clinically extremely vulnerable should celebrate the end of all restrictions with a march past of Downing Street and a lusty chorus of "Those about to die salute you!"

Deleted member 28

Well I love it when she dresses up in a nurse's uniform. And then goes out to work as one. Does wonders for the household economy.
My Wife used to do the same but changed into her uniform in the changing room to avoid taking infection into the Hospital. 👍

Deleted member 28

Mine too (before she retired). Similarly No 1 daughter.
She was a Theatre Sister for the last 15 yrs of her career and even if going for a butty within the hospital she would change out of her scrubs just to walk down the corridor.
She was a Theatre Sister for the last 15 yrs of her career and even if going for a butty within the hospital she would change out of her scrubs just to walk down the corridor.

Theatre scrubs are not the same thing as the Uniform of a Nurse on a Ward, at an Outpatients' clinic or one doing home visits.

Anyone working near big London hospitals will see uniformed ward staff around and about whether walking, on the bus/tube or in Tesco Metro etc.
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