These Covid Polices Are Going Well .....

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Yeah, I know, but it does have the Millennium Path...

View attachment 461

Agreed , and some interesting wetlands too by all accounts.

It was a very unfair assesment.

I think it was the desperate air of the pre Christmas town centre youth, on our way back from an underwhelming Thai restaurant that got to me the worst.

You know you need to escape this town when even the betting shops can't survive.

Still it's got Gower just there
That's a big plus 👍🏼


Ian H

Legendary Member
Stayed overnight in Llanelli a few weeks back ...

I mean I know, nowhere looks at its best in early December drizzle, but...
I have friends there... but, yes (in fact, vague memories of staying there many years ago before one of Dai's rides).

Deleted member 49

More snobbery about fake plastic lawns...I'll have you know as a "Postperson" there invaluable for walking across to clean the sh1t of your shoes....


Well-Known Member
May I recommend Rhyl?

Is the Rhyl Sun Centre still there? I visited whilst on holiday as a child - it was a place of real magic to an 8 year old, made more special by the fact that an episode of Rod Hull and Emu had been filmed at the Centre a year or so before.

They definitely were simpler times...


Reading around the chip
Is the Rhyl Sun Centre still there? I visited whilst on holiday as a child - it was a place of real magic to an 8 year old, made more special by the fact that an episode of Rod Hull and Emu had been filmed at the Centre a year or so before.

They definitely were simpler times...
Been flattened AIUI, and replaced with a facilty called SC2. Eerie similarities to Swansea's old leisure centre - a hugely popular venue which was deemed unsafe about 20 years back and closed/part demolished by the council, ushering in eight years of Lib-Dem led local government. The concrete structure of ours was left intact tho and intelligently refurbed (as LC2!) whereas it looks like the SC2 is an unlovable beast. Not that I've been in it.


They really are a bunch of self serving daffodils aren't they.


Active Member
When this pandemic began, M&S used to have an NHS staff only hour on Friday mornings (8-9am) and my wife got into the habit of grocery shopping there at that time on her way to work. For the first time in nearly two years, I went in there with her this morning and was interested to see how many shoppers wore masks and how many didn't. There were quite a few in the clothing area going towards the grocery area without masks but as if by magic, once they saw someone in a nurses uniform - my missis, masks appeared on faces! She said if she goes not in uniform, this doesn't happen but when she is in uniform, it's like a message goes out to say, 'you don't want to be on the wrong side of the medical profession here'!

Maybe, like the effect a cardboard policeman has on the rate of shoplifting when placed in store entrances, a cardboard nurse - mask on, suitable message visible - should be placed in areas with low mask compliance?
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