Time for a PEP talk

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Reading around the chip
I would imagine it depends on the basis that they “pick and choose”. For example, I can’t see any business or private organisation “getting away with” refusing to deal with women. (Not saying they should get away with it).

I don't think being a right-wing grifter is a protected characteristic.


They have offered a Nat West Account - was that business or personal?
Was his Coutts account business or personal?
Coutts will turn down business if it's not suitable for them.

He has stated he had both private and business with Coutts.

NatWest only offered him a private account


BBC have amended their article to reflect the reality.

Telegraph contacted both BBC, Natwest about the alleged client information leak.

Both said no comment -Oh dear


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Sunak and numerous Tories tweeting support for Farage indicates where we are. This is a culture war issue and nothing else, and the Tory tactic will now be to go headlong into divisiveness in an attempt to scare people away from Labour.

Hopefully most will not fall for this, but there is one born every minute...
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Interesting to see the new charter.

Hefty multi million pound fines and banking license revoke penalty will clip the woke agenda of the financial institutions.

Every person in the UK has the right to a bank account. Sure have extra checks on fraudulent activity, suspicious cash movements.

Free speech is non negotiable, sacred
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