I have seen your position, no point in divulging my opinion when you clearly have your own.
Suffice to say, I'm very happy with the outcome
What a weird way of operating.
"I'm not going to tell my.opinion, because I know yours"
Almost as if you feel your opinion won't stand up to scrutiny, or is a bit distasteful.
Anyway, you have just divulged your opinion really.
We now know for sure that you're happy with an economic downturn, trade being stymied, jobs and businesses lost, and a general deficit of opportunities across the board.
People are often coy about divulging their own xenophobia, or even outright racism, so I guess we can only assume that the uplift in hatred and suspicion of 'foreigners' is a good thing to your mind.
If your glee at brexit is not any, or all of the above, then feel free to tell us otherwise.
Or else we will just have to guess that I'm correct, in the absence of evidence to the contrary.