You cant acknowledge that when the boot is on the other foot, it squashes your argument flat.
It was never about Nigel Farage, but your disdain for him has locked you into a no win position.
Its about the common person losing their bank accounts.
If a person the banks thought they could cancel without a noise, have made one of the biggest mistakes in recent history.
This is a primary topic for discussion in government. Lets see what happens come September when recess is over.
It doesn't squash anything flat I'm afraid - it's just fantasy bahoolix of yours..
No one was 'cancelling' Farrige, they just preferred not to have to do business with the nasty shyster.
Yes I have utter disdain for him and his behaviour.
Alison has been dismissed (or stood down) for being indiscreet about talking about the matter to the press.
This is not about the 'common man' losing rights to a bank account at all.
We're talking about a bank that trades on wealth and (supposed) prestige, wanting to drop someone they see as a risky client .
You still haven't said whether, and if so why you would want to see ethical banking ended.
Nor what this 'woke agenda' that seems to trouble you so, actually is .
This is not a primary topic for government discussion come September - that should be tackling the climate crisis, and the dire poverty in which some people find themselves.
But they probably will make some noise about banks and finance - as money (mainly getting more of it for themselves) is their primary driver.
And it will be another handy distraction from real issues.