Time for a PEP talk

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Legendary Member
It was never about Nigel Farage, but your disdain for him has locked you into a no win position.
Its about the common person losing their bank accounts.
No it isn't. "Common" people don't bank at Coutts.

If a person the banks thought they could cancel without a noise, have made one of the biggest mistakes in recent history.
Read the Dossier. They knew he would make a noise. He's Nigel Farage. That's all he does.
This is a primary topic for discussion in government. Lets see what happens come September when recess is over.
Absolutely. The priority should be whiny racist former stockbrokers being chucked out of banks for the Elite. That is one of the biggest issues facing Britain today. Thank god the Government has swung into action.


Legendary Member
"Only yesterday they were declaring full confidence in her. How can they expect customers, shareholders and the taxpayer to retain confidence in them?”
Sack the bloody lot of them
Fair enough, but can we at least do things in order. I think the whole COnservative Goverment need to be sacked first. They have repeatedly put their "full confidence" in people who have ripped us off or done unmentionable things (usually to women).

Small detail: She will have resigned because it was revealed that she discussed a customer account in public. This will have created rumblings from other Coutts customers who don't want their dirty laundry aired in public. Their Nazi gold must be securely and confidentially stored.
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Pale Rider

Pale Rider

It was about Farage to start with, but happily for him an estimated 100,000 swiftly claimed they were debanked.

This story covers the whole of the banking sector.

The chief exec of Lloyds has spoken this morning to tell us what a marvellous job his bank does in these circumstances.

What he didn't say was 'nowt to do with us guv' because he knows fine well it has everything to do with his bank, and the others.
It was about Farage to start with, but happily for him an estimated 100,000 swiftly claimed they were debanked.

This story covers the whole of the banking sector.

The chief exec of Lloyds has spoken this morning to tell us what a marvellous job his bank does in these circumstances.

What he didn't say was 'nowt to do with us guv' because he knows fine well it has everything to do with his bank, and the others.

We're still waiting for the 100,000 to emerge into the sunlight with their letters telling them to p*** off as WokeBank plc doesn't like the cut of their political jib.
Pale Rider

Pale Rider

We're still waiting for the 100,000 to emerge into the sunlight with their letters telling them to p*** off as WokeBank plc doesn't like the cut of their political jib.

I'm surprised you've bought into the culture of instant gratification.

They have been advised by Farage to make a subject access request as he did to get the p*** off letter if there is one.

Inevitably, this will take time not least because I expect the banks have received avalanches of the ruddy things.

No doubt some claims will be a pile of cack, but even those who achieve satisfaction may not be keen to trumpet their success for obvious reasons.

Deleted member 159

As ever with populist liars like Farage, the 100k claim is unverifiable.

Always unverifiable claims from these people.

Well for starters, reverend was de-banked recently for questioning pride merchandising in his branch. Alexandra Tolstoy was de-banked very recently, numerous politicians have spoken having their accounts closed without reason.

Now with the knowledge of subject access is out there. I expect many many more will become public news. Obviously many will want to keep quite publicly and just go through the channels of appeal.

You're blinded by the fact its Nigel Farage who has stirred this up. Who knows actually how many people companies have been de-banked or had accounts closed for no apparent reason.

Whether its a storm in teacup or a endemic culture will become clearer in due course.

It will be an great result if banks cannot arbitrarily close accounts without due and open process.

Obviously Nigel will get all the commendations for championing the cause.

You can thank him later, with a piece of humble pie 🥧
Well for starters, reverend was de-banked recently for questioning pride merchandising in his branch. Alexandra Tolstoy was de-banked very recently, numerous politicians have spoken having their accounts closed without reason.

A quick Google of Ms Tolstoy suggests she is, rightly or wrongly, classed as a PEP. She is/was involved with a Russian Oligarch which may raise some other flags.

Even the Mail struggles to show its customary outrage.

A bank, like any other business, can declare you persona non grata at any time. If they're doing it purely because of the political cut of your jib then I agree that's wrong.

But, and there's always a but, it's not a massive leap from politics to damage to the bank's reputation.


Who knows actually how many people companies have been de-banked or had accounts closed for no apparent reason.


Which is exactly what I said.

If you take Farage at his word you are a fool.

Deleted member 159

She is/was involved with a Russian Oligarch which may raise some other flags.

She did a subject access and found most of the recorded file was incorrect. Just guesswork re her association with her former partner. No evidence on the banks part.

They didn't offer to re instate her accounts


Legendary Member
She did a subject access and found most of the recorded file was incorrect. Just guesswork re her association with her former partner. No evidence on the banks part.
They didn't offer to re instate her accounts
Boo hoo. Turns out that hanging around with a Russian Oligarch isn't a good idea. I mean, we've all been there, enjoyed the billionaire lifestyle and then had our accounts closed by Natwest.
She did a subject access and found most of the recorded file was incorrect. Just guesswork re her association with her former partner. No evidence on the banks part.

They didn't offer to re instate her accounts

You mean she asserts that most (not all note) was incorrect.

Obviously living outwith the UK can be a flag too.

When there's a cool factual account we can see whether she's right or wrong.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
None of the claims of being de-banked can be taken at face value until all the details have been made available. For the same reason it is impossible to say that none have been de-banked for political/unpalatable views at this stage.

Whatever the truth of this claim there is no doubt that Rose deserved to go...not just because of the dodgy briefing but because it has given poor misunderstood Farage the chance to play the victim and supporter of the general public who have been mistreated by the establishment as part of the woke agenda.

There is absolutely no doubt that Coutts will now regret what they did.

The latest score Farage 2 Coutts/Natwest 0 (2 own goals)
Pale Rider

Pale Rider

If yu doubt this is a wider banking matter, you only have to look at the reaction.

Banking is a staid industry, at least domestically, and has clearly been shocked to its core by what Farage has uncovered.

You also don't get the prime minister, the chancellor, and some other senior bloke in the treasury poking their noses in if there's nothing to smell.

Oh, and don't forget MPs of various parties who have said they have their own PEP stories to tell.

You could also look at what's not been said.

If the problem was solely about Farage, the other banks would not be slow to point that out.

They would all be saying 'come to us - we are bankers not debankers'.

But of course they cannot say that, because they know they are all involved.


Legendary Member
Banking is a staid industry, at least domestically, and has clearly been shocked to its core by what Farage has uncovered.
Have you considered a career in Stand-up?

You also don't get the prime minister, the chancellor, and some other senior bloke in the treasury poking their noses in if there's nothing to smell.
Of course not. You get them poking their nose in because it's their bank.

Here's a great analysis of Farage's dossier:-

View: https://twitter.com/Alex250175/status/1683479542713794566?s=20
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