Time for a PEP talk

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I suppose hating everyone and everything is an option, but, in this case, watching people stick up for the normally hated banks is amusing.

I wouldn't know about the first.

As I reserve my disdain for those who are worthy of such.

As for the second, I choose my financial institutions (and investments) based upon their verifiable ethical record.

Ian H

Legendary Member
I suppose hating everyone and everything is an option, but, in this case, watching people stick up for the normally hated banks is amusing.

I suppose those at the butt of the joke rarely find it funny.

Not at all. I find you endlessly amusing.
Pale Rider

Pale Rider


The problem is to continue the vendetta against Farage, you and others have to stick up for the hated banks.

It is amusing watching you all tying yourselves in knots trying not to do the latter, but continue with the former.

Far better to come at it with what's called an open mind.

Rare around here, but it does enable someone who has one to ask a simple question, without any pre-conceived notions.

Does Farage or the banks have the better and more truthful case?

The answer to anyone not hampered by a load of leftie woke baggage is obvious.
The problem is to continue the vendetta against Farage, you and others have to stick up for the hated banks.

No. I dislike Farage and all he stands for. It’s not a vendetta, more a natural reaction to what he says and does. I admit that I enjoy seeing him suffer the consequences of his actions.

I haven’t stuck up for the banks, save to observe that businesses are generally free to decide on who they wish to deal with provided that their choice does not discriminate on the basis of protected characteristics. Being an unpleasant dick isn’t one of those.

Banking is a service that everyone needs these days so I think it is right that every individual has access to at least a basic account. In the Farage case he was offered a normal personal account. The status of his business account is less clear, but you know, free markets and all that…
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The problem is to continue the vendetta against Farage, you and others have to stick up for the hated banks.

It is amusing watching you all tying yourselves in knots trying not to do the latter, but continue with the former.

Far better to come at it with what's called an open mind.

Rare around here, but it does enable someone who has one to ask a simple question, without any pre-conceived notions.

Does Farage or the banks have the better and more truthful case?

The answer to anyone not hampered by a load of leftie woke baggage is obvious.
Others here have suggested that you're a pompous, out of touch wind-bag.

With a rather feeble grasp on English comprehension to boot.

And I personally am not going to fight them on that one

Maybe reading too much of your beloved tabloidese has atrophied your ability to grasp any degree of complexity.

That it is very possible to loathe Farage, all that he stands for, and for all the damage that he has wrought.

Whilst also taking issue with how some banks operate, some of the time.

Your claim to have an 'open mind' whilst trotting out phrases such as 'leftie woke baggage'.

Is beyond parody.
I'll leave that to others if they're so minded.

I think I've earned myself a day at the beach.
Pale Rider

Pale Rider

Others here have suggested that you're a pompous, out of touch wind-bag.

With a rather feeble grasp on English comprehension to boot.

And I personally am not going to fight them on that one

Maybe reading too much of your beloved tabloidese has atrophied your ability to grasp any degree of complexity.

That it is very possible to loathe Farage, all that he stands for, and for all the damage that he has wrought.

Whilst also taking issue with how some banks operate, some of the time.

Your claim to have an 'open mind' whilst trotting out phrases such as 'leftie woke baggage'.

Is beyond parody.
I'll leave that to others if they're so minded.

I think I've earned myself a day at the beach.

No answer other than a long winded insult.

There can't be a better indication that I've struck a nerve.

Enjoy the beach, and if you see any overloaded rigid inflatables arrive, give the occupants my regards.


No answer other than a long winded insult.

There can't be a better indication that I've struck a nerve.

You view yourself as an incisive challenger to the forum orthodoxy. Smiting away all who come before you with razor logic.

Everyone else just views you as a twatospheric ãrsehole.
Pale Rider

Pale Rider

You view yourself as an incisive challenger to the forum orthodoxy. Smiting away all who come before you with razor logic.

Everyone else just views you as a twatospheric ãrsehole.

Another whose only answer is an insult, so yet more strong proof I'm on the right lines.

Thanks, although you could have been a little more graceful in your admission.


No answer other than a long winded insult.

There can't be a better indication that I've struck a nerve.

Enjoy the beach, and if you see any overloaded rigid inflatables arrive, give the occupants my regards.

There is a perfectly comprehensible answer in there.

The problem is, you're unable to grasp it.

It would appear that you don't like being informed as to how you come across.

But never mind, you're way too arrogant to care.
Pale Rider

Pale Rider

Tabloid logic

But logic nonetheless.

But never mind, you're way too arrogant to care.

So we can now add 'arrogant' to an increasingly long list.

All you woke lefties like to insult and take the p*ss out of us gammony right wingers.

I'm just having a bit of return fun at your expense.

Typically, you can dish it out, bigstyle, but when a tiny bit comes back it's tears before bedtime.

Deleted member 159


Konstantin Kisin​

He has had one of his bank accounts closed for what he claims are poor reasons. Only when Konstantin used social media, were they able to get any form of reason. He felt it, rather poor reasoning/excuse. He is seeking more information via subject access.

They were able to achieve new accounts elsewhere. Still raises the question why one bank would close their account and others are more than happy to accept their money. Double standards ?

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