Time for a PEP talk

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rumours about terrorism :whistle:

Why yes, they are Muslims, after all



As of today it's a set of (loaded) questions and an opportunity, which I declined, to register interest.

If it produces some real numbers for people 'de-banked' that can be broken down between those for issues such as regulation or residence and 'others' where there are allegations of egregious practice by banks then it might serve a purpose.

However, given the Farage is (IMHO) a dishonest opportunist I doubt anything of real value will emerge.

Lest we forget.. ??

"The oxygen of publicity"

Farrige clearly needs regular dollops of external validation (or at least attention) to keep functioning, certainly financially - and quite possibly psychologically*.

*Maybe he was neglected, or else over-indulged as a child ?
tbh at this point in time, I really struggle to give a flying feck either way.

Anyway up, I'd imagine any self respecting 'cause' would massively prefer that he keep his whiny self victimhood, and overblown sense of self importance well away from them.

In a way, I suppose the 'bad' bankers and he are quite appropriate bedfellows.
If he's flailing about annoying them, then at least he's not got his sticky grifter fingers in someone else's pie.

Meanwhile everyone else, with more than four braincells to rub together, can ignore the unprincipled little shyster, and concentrate on more pressing matters.

Just a thought 🤔
Pale Rider

Pale Rider

He may have a point if the bank's internal report grossly misrepresents him. The word grifter in there may come back to haunt somebody though personally I think its fair comment.

But, the bottom line remains that if a bank, any bank not just the poshest of posh banks, thinks you a reputational risk then they can tell you to sling your hook.

The right to an account so as to participate in society is a totally different kettle of fish. There's no suggestion that Farage has been denied that is there?

The reaction alone tells you he has a point.

Does anyone think a Dame would resign/get sacked from her £5m a year job if there was nothing to see here.

There is also no doubt there is a significant number of little people who have been debanked.

The story does tell us Farage is a very skilled campaigner.

Most single issue campaign loonies would think they'd died and gone to heaven if they'd managed to topple the titled chief executive of a major bank within a week.

'Farage wanted the publicity', squawk his detractors.

Any campaign needs publicity if it is to get anywhere.

Farage himself doesn't really need the publicity, he's already got his own news programme, and he's already got all the woke lefties hanging on his every word.

Those of us on the right regard him as a bit of a gobshite so don't pay him much attention.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
Does anyone think a Dame would resign/get sacked from her £5m a year job if there was nothing to see here.
There is something to see, it was on her watch, they handled it badly, so she had to go.
There is also no doubt there is a significant number of little people who have been debanked.
What is a significant number in a population where scores of millions of little people have bank accounts? There is no argument that people have not been de-banked, for all sorts of possible reasons, but very little other than conjecture and innuendo about the causes.
The story does tell us Farage is a very skilled campaigner.
I think there is no doubt about his ability to use the above mentioned conjecture and innuendo in his cause. That makes the bank's actions even more stupid.
Farage wanted the publicity', squawk his detractors.
Any campaign needs publicity if it is to get anywhere.
There was no campaign until Farage saw the opportunity and decided to milk it.
Farage himself doesn't really need the publicity, he's already got his own news programme
Without constant publicity and 'scandal' his shows would gradually lose viewers. He thrives on publicity and this was manna from heaven.
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Pale Rider

Pale Rider

She was effectively sacked by pressure from the bank's largest shareholder.

Yes, and who was the cause of that pressure?

Or do you think Sunak alighted on the notion to sack Rose independently?

Once again, it's a campaigner's dream to have someone like the PM genuinely put pressure on for you, rather than just saying a few fine words about your hobbyhorse and do nothing.

Ian H

Legendary Member
Made so much easier because of the stupidity and arrogance of the management.

Surprise, surprise...political party has political agenda.

That's one of the pitfalls of government ownership.

Surprise? Unease perhaps that they are so ready to appease the extreme right-wing faction.
The reaction alone tells you he has a point.

Does anyone think a Dame would resign/get sacked from her £5m a year job if there was nothing to see here.

There is also no doubt there is a significant number of little people who have been debanked.

The story does tell us Farage is a very skilled campaigner.

Most single issue campaign loonies would think they'd died and gone to heaven if they'd managed to topple the titled chief executive of a major bank within a week.

'Farage wanted the publicity', squawk his detractors.

Any campaign needs publicity if it is to get anywhere.

Farage himself doesn't really need the publicity, he's already got his own news programme, and he's already got all the woke lefties hanging on his every word.

Those of us on the right regard him as a bit of a gobshite so don't pay him much attention.

He's a skilled speaker and campaigner albeit (IMHO) a grossly dishonest one who can charm the media.

Having done that Dame wossername cocked up and/or was shopped. That's why she had to resign.

I'm still waiting for any evidence that people being debanked for their politics rather than residence, regulation or cock up is a serious issue.

While you may regard him as a gobshite he's a messiah to many of your fellow righties.
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