Well men don't magically become women by simply saying they are, so there's really no difference between admitting transwomen to women's single sex spaces and admitting men. There's no evidence that transwomen have different patterns of offending to men either, though obviously it's not just about risk. There are women's single sex spaces for a reason and I simply don't understand the logic that says just thinking you are a woman, or dressing as a stereotypical woman, somehow gives you a free pass. It doesn't work with any other protected characteristic like race or disability.
Anyway, we have indeed drifted from the thread title. Back on topic, Sharron Davies and transwoman cyclist Veronica Ivy/Rachel McKinnon were on Radio 4 this morning discussing the issues. You can probably listen on catch up or something. I didn't catch all of it, but I've never found Ivy's arguments convincing. It seems to come down to 'I don't have an advantage in the Women's event, but you should let me in anyway because I want to.....'. Davies later gave a calm and sensible rebuttal though there is never enough time to cover all the science which is what really counts in the sporting context.
Sharon Davies' Twitter feed is worth a read too. She lost out on a gold medal to an athlete who has admitted doping so she knows a bit about unfair advantages.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author
Anyway, we have indeed drifted from the thread title. Back on topic, Sharron Davies and transwoman cyclist Veronica Ivy/Rachel McKinnon were on Radio 4 this morning discussing the issues. You can probably listen on catch up or something. I didn't catch all of it, but I've never found Ivy's arguments convincing. It seems to come down to 'I don't have an advantage in the Women's event, but you should let me in anyway because I want to.....'. Davies later gave a calm and sensible rebuttal though there is never enough time to cover all the science which is what really counts in the sporting context.
Sharon Davies' Twitter feed is worth a read too. She lost out on a gold medal to an athlete who has admitted doping so she knows a bit about unfair advantages.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author