I know selective quoting is frowned upon on the lighter side of CC, but here as far as I know (even though some swear words are modified, some aren't but so fark:
"From you:
"then you don't understand the point i'm trying to make"
What point are you trying to make? Because I can't see one.
Selective quote all you like, just make sure you keep the quote intact or tag the person your selectively quoting otherwise the person you quote doesn't always see it.
True, and he was removed from Twitter from a reason. That said, I can see Musk's point of view. We know that Trump is a deranged narcissist. However at the moment he is running rallies, drumming up support again in the dark and quiet. He's not really being reported on, he isn't public any more. In some ways that could be as dangerous as letting him broadcast so that his lies can be challenged, where he can be openly mocked and satirised and where everyone can keep an eye on his insanity until he gets arrested*.
*They are coming for him over tax evasion and fraud - it'll just take a while
Trump was removed from Twitter because it suited them, just as it suited Apple to not provide help decrypting the Iphone of an death terrorist only for it to suit them now to automatically scan files off all Iphone users in search of illegal things.
First make a strong statement then slowly moving the goalpost, and call all who oppose ''right-wing'', consipiracy, etc. etc. which leads to the meaning of ''the right or far or even extreme right'' diminishing and the same for the left, with the real extremes fractions the only winners.
Trump would have never come so far if they would have just fought him with arguments, but they tried to put him away as a lunatic* that you shouldn't take serious instead, with predictable results(leunatic can be replaced with the buzzword of the day, back in the day it was Facist, populist etc. etc. )