Sorry - I'm late to the Keith Arsewank party.
Quality sig line material there, Claudine...
Sorry - I'm late to the Keith Arsewank party.
Not sure why Musk is trumping lies. The BBC has been none state funder, never since the government regulator removal of pensioners' free licenses.
State controlled would be more a more accurate description, sadly.
So the last few days on twitter have been:
Absolutely. F*cking. Batshit. Crazy.
Honestly, vulva woman followed by Keith Arsewank. I feel like I'm having some sort of psychotic episode. At some point I'm going to have to explain this all to my wife and to be frank I don't know where to begin, the Gary Lineker thing was bonkers enough.
And this weekend we supposedly descend into blue tick chaos although I wonder if it's all an April fool. It's all making me go a bit peculiar.
'Establishment controlled' might be more accurate, though the reins are a little looser than they were in Reith's day.
Are you people for real?
Go on then. Try and explain the vulva woman story without it sounding like utter lunacy.