Twitter under Musk....

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Elder Goth
It'd be helpful to know what the metric for "news" on Twitter actually is. Because if it's based on anything factual, I suspect it'd fall flat on its arse.

As would most social media to be fair, but when you've got the reputation which Twitter does for misinformation masquerading as "news", you've kind of got to wonder.

Truth Social probably ranks highly if you use the right analytics.
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Trump marketing, that is its news.
Musk has also created America Pac, essentially to support Trump.


Most sensible humans , employ a bit of critical thinking with social media . FB isn’t any better ! Worked out a while back not take some facts on these platforms as gospel .


Most CEOs usually keep out of getting involved with the plebs ( users etc ) not Musk . Just come across as an absolute bellend !

Unless there is reason.
Tim Martin got involved to curry governnent favour, plus much of his clientele would be Brexit inclined meaning low risk.
Jim Ratcliffe is big oil and had interests in Russia too.
Elon Musk, as we said.


Well-Known Member
Twitter is a cesspit which lack of any oversight is killing. Not just content, but a total inability to limit spam.

Yesterday, I searched on "walthamstow" latest tweets and the entire hashing had been taken over by spam for porn sites. These spamming bots scrape the keywords being searched often and add it to the spam hashtags. So last night, the places with counter protests were tagged. The app becomes totally unusable. There appears to be almost no ability to control this.

It used to be the place to search latest news but now it is spam interspersed with speek yer brainz opinion posts and misinformation. A video of bikers doing burn outs on the North circular was retweeted countless times as showing Muslims blocking roads yesterday. It was in fact a video from 2023 of bikers paying tribute to a friend killed on that road. That one was obvious to me, but other videos used for misinformation won't be known to me or others. I think its use for news is highly limited these days.

Ian H

Legendary Member
I use it mostly for conversations with people I follow. I don't see the misinformation unless I go looking, which I do less and less as it becomes more shitty and pointless.


Senior Member
Sometimes it seems to me that Musk thinks along the lines of
a) I am VERY intelligent
b) I think this must be a good thing - or true - therefore it must be because of (a)

unfortunately he is only intelligent in some ways - there are many forms of intelligence and he is down at the "thick as 2 short planks" end in some of them (the ones an IQ test doesn;t measure)

and sometimes I think he is (also?) playing a clever games and posts something which seems crazy but he is sitting there watching his advertising revenue go up

dunno - but he certainly does not register as "very clever" in all aspects of intelligence - as far as I can see!


There is some symmetry to Truth Social, still valued at $5 billion.

Both seem to be betting on a Trump win to legislate them to profit, Truth Socials real current value being minimal.
High stakes casino stuff.
Sometimes it seems to me that Musk thinks along the lines of
a) I am VERY intelligent
b) I think this must be a good thing - or true - therefore it must be because of (a)

unfortunately he is only intelligent in some ways - there are many forms of intelligence and he is down at the "thick as 2 short planks" end in some of them (the ones an IQ test doesn;t measure)

and sometimes I think he is (also?) playing a clever games and posts something which seems crazy but he is sitting there watching his advertising revenue go up

dunno - but he certainly does not register as "very clever" in all aspects of intelligence - as far as I can see!
That's why the companies where he wasn't the only one in charge like for example PayPal where so successful i tried to rename that to X as well but his co-owners refused, and that seems to be the problem now, he needs to be told off more, But he doesn't have to listen anymore as he is the sole owner.


Elder Goth
PayPal came about because of a merger between Musk's original "X" and Cofinity back in the day.

Musk had to buy back off PayPal! That will not have been cheap.


Legendary Member
I keep on seeing those pictures of Musk alongside Trump. Then my head goes into a spin where I can only think of that game show with the slogan ''say what you see'', and each time it happens I can only get one answer 'smelly fart'. I think I need a lie down.
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