Twitter under Musk....

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Fab Foodie

Fab Foodie

On the subject of trust, Rees Moggs Somerset Capital wound down quite recent, the managed funds apparantly transferred out.
One wonders how much the toxicity of Mogg influenced that failure.

...or it was absolute shitte like pretty-much everything he does....

Ian H

Legendary Member
On the subject of trust, Rees Moggs Somerset Capital wound down quite recent, the managed funds apparantly transferred out.
One wonders how much the toxicity of Mogg influenced that failure.

It was reliant on one major customer which removed its business, so the company became unviable.


Well-Known Member
The problems with society have been solved!!!!

Rejoice and let there be dancing in the streets for all our woes are over!!!

The solution to proper government has been revealed by the Great Man himself

Now clearly anyone on here has, at least at some point, identified as a cyclist - or similar
some may - horror of horrors - ridden a recumbent

which means that we are all - by definition - woke

so clearly not proper men (even @Drago - although I suspect he isn't on this side of "The Great Divide")

so it really just releives us of the burden of having to vote and all that
and we can resign our undeserved positions on Parish Councils and the like

and make way for proper alpha males and other High T people (i.e. not women or woke people)

so - that's politics sorted out

is there any need for This Place anymore???


The problems with society have been solved!!!!

Rejoice and let there be dancing in the streets for all our woes are over!!!

The solution to proper government has been revealed by the Great Man himself

Now clearly anyone on here has, at least at some point, identified as a cyclist - or similar
some may - horror of horrors - ridden a recumbent

which means that we are all - by definition - woke

so clearly not proper men (even @Drago - although I suspect he isn't on this side of "The Great Divide")

so it really just releives us of the burden of having to vote and all that
and we can resign our undeserved positions on Parish Councils and the like

and make way for proper alpha males and other High T people (i.e. not women or woke people)

so - that's politics sorted out

is there any need for This Place anymore???

It’s amazing how similar they are in outlook to the Taliban.
But they wouldn’t recognise it in themselves.
Fab Foodie

Fab Foodie

It’s amazing how similar they are in outlook to the Taliban.
But they wouldn’t recognise it in themselves.

A chap in the USA went out with a Bible wrapped with the cover of the Quran and started reading parts of it to various Americans to see what they thought about them. Most declared the text pretty extreme, barbaric, backward looking and not the sort of thing they'd tolerate in America. Imagine their surprise at the reveal....


Senior Member
Just look on any CTC/CyclingUK Facebook thread and you'll see plenty of grumpy old farts who think cycling has/should have nothing to do with inclusivity.

In my experience the CTC is absolutely stuffed with liberal woketards. I get on well with most of them.
The problems with society have been solved!!!!

Rejoice and let there be dancing in the streets for all our woes are over!!!

The solution to proper government has been revealed by the Great Man himself
To be fair, he posted 'Is this true?' , not 'Bring it on'. He seems to get described as being on the autistic spectrum quite a bit so I'm not surprised he's interested in whether autistic people operate outside of the social pressure that can affect how others behave.

Of course a better solution is probably to encourage free, creative thinking, the developing of critical faculties, and teaching kids to resist social pressures of all kinds, rather than welcoming our new world council of autistic, male overlords.
I haven't followed the ins and out of this, but calling a government that bans a site/social network/company because it does not remove what they call ''misinformation'' and then punishes circumvention of said ban is far from democratic. No matter on whos side you're on.

It is not obvious because his core vote make a lot of noise
and those that turn up to his rallies are the dedicated ones

but every time he does something stupid then he must loose some more votes
and if the stupid is directed at a specific segment of society then it is that segment is where he looses the votes from

and the wrong words in a fit of anger at a coloured woman laughing at him might knock thousands of votes off his count
including voters who would have voted Rep but don't - and those that are more determined to get out and vote now but who wouldn;t have done so before

and the way the USA voting system works - it only needs a few states to turn and he's toast
If we look at last elections a rough estimate of 40% voted on Biden because ''he is not Trump'' and if you look at bit futher then you see the fanatics on both sides, the careless who either vote democrats or republicans because ''they have always done so'' and then there are two quite interesting groups, the groups that vote whatever their community leader recommends and the group that voted Biden last time because he is not Trump. and groups that are floating for other reasons.

Just look on any CTC/CyclingUK Facebook thread and you'll see plenty of grumpy old farts who think cycling has/should have nothing to do with inclusivity.
i'm not exactly old but it doesn't cycling and inclusivity are two different things.
The trouble with banning stuff is that invariably someone will eventually ban your stuff for disinformation/being subversive/undermining the State or for whatever other reason it suits them.
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