USA Midterms....

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Fair to upper chance it means the US will be allies with Russia !
I half expect the US to near fully pull out of Europe. So 10,000 troops to leave the UK.

Unfortunately, if the left tone down the language you get simply more ensure the right win, a bit like what Corbyn did with Brexit.
Biden is also looking much like a mug, an old mug at that.
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Morons will always be moronic. Uk to be the first Islamic nation with nuclear weapons? Has this inbred f$ckhead heard of Iran? Saudi Arabia?

You misunderstand.

He knows very well that what he is saying is false.

(Saudi does not have nuclear weapons BTW. Pakistan does however)
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Giving reasons as to why it might happen, or adding context, is not condoning. You surely aren't that obtuse.
Two people are dead and others injured. If Trump's inflammatory rhetoric has contributed to that then he deserves condemnation.

Who apart from you mentioned condoning anything?


Okay, 'failing to condemn'. Happy with that?

I doubt it.

Spen666 is eschewing the complexity around democracy, attempts to end democracy via democracy, and what looks to be an attempt to stop an authoritarian demagogue who intends to end democracy by the use of violence.

He prefers the nice easy, simple moral high ground.

Can't imagine how he would cope with something like war, using extreme violence to end violence etc.


Jack Black isn’t happy.
It’s quite clear that there is now a comedy line that has to be very carefully navigated

Don't mess with the convicts!

United Australia senator Ralph Babet asked for the band to be deported.
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