Boris Johnson apparantly says he was assured over Ukraine. Simply more lies or have the 100,000s of thousands of extra deaths just been political strategy?
Guesswork piece by politically left affiliated news![]()
You don't know anything about Vanity Fair, do you?
If you are going to try and list everyone who despises Trump and believes the world would have been a better place without him, you are going to have a very long list to get through.Many more have been identified
Let's apply the litmus test.Boris Johnson apparantly says he was assured over Ukraine. Simply more lies or have the 100,000s of thousands of extra deaths just been political strategy?
I was thinking that was not exactly The Guardian, although to be fair allsides lists it as left of centre.
I see Nikki Haley and Ron De Santis have followed in the knee marks left by the likes of Mitch McConnell, and have been kissing Trump's ring, despite the personal attacks he made against them.