USA Midterms....

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Well-Known Member
Trump's DC Court of Appeal hearing didn't seem to go well for him today. :laugh:
Among other things, his counsel had to concede that if Trump's argument of immunity unless impeached, was followed to its logical conclusion, a President could order seal team 6 to kill his election rival, and if he resigned before being impeached, he could not be prosecuted.
It also looks like the court are giving serious consideration as to whether they have jurisdiction to hear the appeal, as stated in one of the amicus briefs submitted to the court by an outside party, as the opening questions concerned this very issue.
Hopefully a decision will be quickly issued.


It’s nuts.
Taken to its logical conclusion a President could basically do anything they wanted.
How could anyone think this was sensible.
And if Trump can do it, then Biden can do it too! And he is the one currently in office.
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Senior Member
But but but

if the President doesn;t have total immunity then every time he makes a decision he is going to have to worry about whether or not he (!) will get dragged in front of a court for it after he leaves office!!!

or something like that

which does sort of imply that the President doesn;t know what is and is not illegal and so is constantly worried that the might just do something illegal without realising it

like maybe taking classified documents with them when they leave office - without realising that classified documents need to be left behind - I mean how could you know!!!!
or maybe giving away state secrets to a foreign leader - how is the President supposed to know that this information is classified??

so CLEARLY they have to have immunity

otherwise they might have to actually know what they are doing!!


Shows the utter craziness. Not that it is unknown in the US.
It appears that Taser International conspired, with no doubt the support of the US police to repromote the scam science of 'excited delierium'.

Check it out. That resurrected scam, again helped the police kill many a black man with immunity. The hundreds of deaths will no doubt be just police homicide, sometimes via taser.

Basically the murder escuse was tgat tasered the sh^t out of them, only because they had 'excited delerium'

I suppose with immunity, it is thus safe for Biden to order Trumps death.
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That is the exact result of what trump is arguing
except that is will only start to apply when trump resumes his rightful place as King - sorry President

for now

Brilliant isnt it.
The upcoming US election is going to send the whole world into turmoil, all for the ego of one man baby.
i just wish i had faith in the US public to be sensible.
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Elder Goth


Well-Known Member
Jury selection in the second case involving Trump's defamation of E Jean Carroll starts tomorrow. :popcorn: The hearing being only to decide how big a cheque Trump has to write.
Trump already appears to be doing himself no favours in front of the same judge who heard the first defamation hearing at which Trump was hit with a bill of $5m.
Having claimed "presidential immunity", which was rejected by the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeal, on the grounds that raising this argument 3 years into these proceedings, was too late, last week he sought to delay proceedings by a week, on the grounds of travelling on Wednesday evening to Florida, in order to attend the funeral of his mother in law in Florida on Thursday. However, Trump's application to delay hit a couple of obstacles.
Firstly, Trump's lawyers had, 3 days after the death of his mother in law, confirmed by email to the judge that Trump would be attending the hearing.
Secondly, court staff did some basic research and found that on Trump's own web site he declared he would be in New Hampshire at a speaking engagement at 7pm on Wednesday evening. :laugh:
It remains to be seen if Trump does attend the hearing. The judge has said that if the case finishes on Thursday, he would grant a continuance until Monday the 22nd of January to allow Trump to attend. Trump claimed he was going to attend the last defamation hearing, but instead ran away to Scotland to play golf.

Elsewhere Trump has been ordered to pay almost $400,000 in legal fees to the New York Times and three of its reporters, who were dismissed in May, from a lawsuit which commenced in 2021, concerning tax records handed to the reporters by Trump's neice Mary Trump.


Good news!

Trump sais going to bring everyone together in peace, stop all the killing, and solve the world problems.

Why didn't he say that before?? I may have misjudged him!


If Trump gets to fully run one has to hope that the 50% of Republicans do not have the stomache to vote for that tyrant.
Also, whilst he will obviously get his hate base out, he will action the more sane to vote too.


Did Trump change the US policy in Israel during his term? [no point in googling when I have NACA as a resource 💌 ]


Elder Goth
He did. But he also has a serious issue with Netanyahu which he can't help but publicly ramble about.

Biden does too, but as an actually capable politician he keeps that to himself.


"The former president dominated in Iowa’s most religious regions"

Translates to 'extremists vote Trump'.
That brilliant podcast series 'things fell apart' has an actual decent evangelist on S1E3. That is a must. Series 2, though is far more compelling. Trump and his family keeps popping up there.
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