War with Russia

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Kamala predicting Trump appeasement during election debate:



Senior Member

I think you need to work on your reading comprehension.

Ukraine will never get NATO membership

Unless you want all out world war ?

IF there is clear evidence that Putin is expansionist like Hitler was, you wouldn't have needed RT access to prove it - you would have found a hundred proofs just on BBC, never mind CNN, NYT, FT, WaPo, The Economist etc. (or do me a favour just go look up the "Independent Media" funded by USAid...)!

Actually this is a challenge for providing proof Mearsheimer has issued on multiple platforms, without result.

So where is it?
I gave you some other examples too which you chose to ignore. That Putin is not as succesfull as Hitler does not mean, he is any better, look for example at Chechnya and how it all turned out to be a plot masterminded by him and ''his FSB'' to start a conflict at secured his precedency hell did he care how many poeple where killed in resulting conflict.
And that are traits people like Hitler Stalin etc. etc. have in common.
I was referring to RT because he says something else to international media than what he says to his ''own'' media
China's achievements in terms of what they have already done, and have positioned for their future, are mind boggling. But remarkably, the bias in the West has been so heavy and comprehensive for so long, that I suspect fewer than 1 in 100 are aware of such reality. Who do we think will pay for it?

You mean that fighter yet they build of based stolen f35 designs and still fails is every single way compared to the original? indeed an achievement bro.


Senior Member
German elections are over right-wing parties claiming first two biggest winners.

Looks like the CDU will have control, a continuation party, achieving probably very little.

Will there be another snap election in a short while
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