Hitler didn't start with extermination camps. He started in1933 with creating internment camps to hold political dissenters (mostly communist and socialist party members). They didn't behave so punishments were devised. In the meantime, the camps were increased to also hold Jews (especially after Kristallnacht), Freemasons and Criminals (the jails were full of political prisoners as well). They didn't start creating the extermination camps until 1939.
But the ideology and social acceptance of hatred towards jews for being jews was there already, it was just Hitler who exploited it, now whom invented it.
That's different now as there is no social acceptance for hatred against migrants.
That nice Mr Trump is busy creating camps to hold 100,000 people as they await deportation (being sent back to where they came from). That nice Mr Putin has similar camps, although I believe his are for re-education and imprisonment of political dissenters (well those who haven't fallen out of windows). Mr Jinping and Mr Un also have these camps.
It was actually nice mister Obama who started those camps, yes that's what the NBC didn't tell you when they filmed Trump at those camps but they where Obama's heritage children in cages.
Organisations like the AFD and Reform would also see camps built to house people who "need to go back to where they came from".
Not really. You may not have noticed, but the Labour party is a middle ground workers party, not the communist party of Great Britain.
If europe after ''wir schaffen das'' actually had a solid system in place, so you root out criminals and put those who commit criminal acts home again too parties like AFD probably didn't have such a stellar grow as they seem to have now.
But europe didn't and that's why where i the current mess.
Not really. It's almost an exact mirror of our political party breakdown. The gammons and loons have backed a party that's barely credible and whose policies revolve around sending people back where they came from, thus reducing the support for the conservative party.
Did you ever wonder why those who voted an lets say ''credible'' party earlier now voted for something like
ukip, reclaim, the brexit party uh however farage club is nowadays called. ?
Do you think those poeple are all racist throwing darts on a dartboard with a person with a black face on them?
or could it be a bit more nuanced?
Not really given that they are aping Hitler's policies.
You assume they also have the same goals?