Perhaps it would have been simpler had you not picked an argument about avatars in the first place because you got butthurt about some advice i posted.
Perhaps, you said it best?
You think I remember you and what you said months/years ago? I can't even be bothered to look up what made me correct you. But for you to look and bring it up, if that is not butthurt as you call it, I don't know what is!
Talking about butthurt, a cursory glance up this thread would easily prove I am one of only a couple, if not the only commentator who has been foretelling the idiocy and hopelessness of Ukraine's position right from the beginning. So why should I get butthurt, when it is the legends of Ukraine's cheerleaders like you who are having eggs on face daily?
Think you have just confirmed my amateur diagnosis of psychological projection in your case being spot on!
Loads of cartoon characters have famously ridden bicycles.
Didn't tintin ride a bike?
Tintin as avatar? Crikey! You didn't know tintin is "famous" for riding something else?
I gave you some other examples too which you chose to ignore. That Putin is not as succesfull as Hitler does not mean, he is any better, look for example at Chechnya and how it all turned out to be a plot masterminded by him and ''his FSB'' to start a conflict at secured his precedency hell did he care how many poeple where killed in resulting conflict.
And that are traits people like Hitler Stalin etc. etc. have in common.
I was referring to RT because he says something else to international media than what he says to his ''own'' media
With those examples, you wrote "as part of the same Russian people Russia claimed need saving as justification for the Ukraine
Glad you made the point yourself - that has indeed been a key, well known reason for nearly every if not every military adventure instigated by Putin, including Ukraine. How is this consistent with the West's narrative of him being expansionistic? Do we have Russians need saving? I did not refer to those examples earlier only because your arguments are so self contradictory, that they are not worthy of comment.
I can't believe you continue to dig this "RT" hole. If Putin had exhibited an expansionistic streak on RT or indeed any Russian public media, would anybody with half a brain seriously believe banning RT broadcast by the West (actually just EU) would have stopped the West finding that out and broadcasting it?
Have you never heard of VPN?
A free lead for you - do you know you can access freely by VPN into America, Asia and even Europe using the free Opera browser, e.g.? Then according to YOU, YOU should be able to offer the world's first and only expose of Putin's expansionistic streak yourself!!! Second free bonus lead - you can use google translate if you can't read Russian!!
You can thank me later!
You mean that fighter yet they build of based stolen f35 designs and still fails is every single way compared to the original? indeed an achievement bro.
Oh dear. How much Kool-Aid have you been guzzling "bro"?
To have some basic understanding of this subject, is simply not to have lived under a rock, you know, given the Chinese have flown not just the world's first, but also the second (entirely different) 6th gen fighter prototype, setting military news around the world alight a couple of months ago. Meanwhile the US 6th gen NGAD fighter concept not only has never been seen in flight, it was sent back to the drawing board in September.
So I guess China has been stealing from the US what the US doesn't have. Right?
As if that is not bad enough, do you not know Elon Musk has opined loudly that the F35 programme you seem to be a fanboy of should be shut down pronto? And that it is common knowledge they are unreliable, expensive, and behind the time in utility, just like the vast majority of American gears?
Do keep up!
I suppose another aspect to Trump seeking minerals and laying into wanting refunds is that in his world loans don’t get repaid but rather delayed, taken to court, teams of lawyers argue irrelevant points, delay, and ... never get paid. Similarly, contracts have no meaning, no basis but rather ignored and argued about with threats, unilaterally changed terms, etc.until the strongest most persistent gets their way. It's just a different world to the one we live in.
I am sorry to have to burst your bubble. Unlike the world us mere mortals live in, there is no higher authority above states. It is therefore an extremely common, yet fundamental mistake to equate dealings between countries with what we experience in our daily lives.
To introduce some realism into this discussion about any "peace deal" Ukraine is going to get, I suggest taking a look at
The chap has been writing thoughtful, sensible essays on the current subject. His personal experience in such dealings shines through - I suspect he was a mandarin in the Foreign Office, of the Sir Humphreys kind, when successive UK governments were still supported by a mostly learned, professional institution called the Civil Service, before they were totally side-lined by SPADS straight out of nappies and the like of Dom Cummings.