With the daily, loud warning of Russian invasion from Biden and Boris/Truss, don't we find it instructive that it was
the Ukrainians who wanted the US to tone down such rhetoric - they say the current
Russian build up is no greater than last April's.
Isn't it also instructive, given the threats of sanctions, that US have long decided nobody is going to go to war with Russia, i.e. nothing about Ukrainian is a hill to die on?
Additionally, is it beyond imagination that the US wouldn't be at all unhappy if Ukraine became Russia's Afghanistan? Or at the very least help arms sales to Europe?
Is it therefore also any surprise, that France, Germany and other European states are horrified by US/UK's current rhetorics, and would much rather the issues be resolved diplomatically, quietly and amicably, given any potential flood of refugees, and heavy dependence on Russia on energy:
How then are the Ukranians ever going to come out of this with a win?
So, in reality, given the situation, what better option does Ukraine truly have, but finlandisation of what they still control till another day?
If finlandisation is the best Ukraine could hope for, why hadn't the current Ukrainian leaders acted more wisely for the security and welfare of their people, but for popularity and/or naivety?
As for the US, just like Afghanistan, have they not demonstrated again with action that others' interests come last?
Wouldn't Taiwan do well to observe and learn?