How much notice would be regarded as "reasonable" I wonder? Would every person affected have to receive a written communication (recorded delivery?) informing them of the change.
I think the Waspi women were given false expectations that no government was ever going to fulfil, ie full recompense. It was a commitment no party would ever follow through on simply because of the amount of money involved, but it suited Labour to attach themselves to the cause. It was a vote winner they knew they would never have to budget for. Just another example to add to the list of why politicians have lost the trust of the electorate.
As to 'Why didn't they check?'. Lots of people aren't financially savvy or knowledgeable about things like benefits or pensions. They just assumed it would all be just as before. Not everybody follows the news or reads about things online either. A lot of people don't realise you can buy extra pension years if you haven't made full contributions, for example. It's quite complicated but Money Saving Expert has good info on it.
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