Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
She's next generation, she gets the concept of an online chat forum much better than she does the idea of a TV comedy about posh black people.Did you also explain what "Cyclechat" is?
She's next generation, she gets the concept of an online chat forum much better than she does the idea of a TV comedy about posh black people.Did you also explain what "Cyclechat" is?
Bindun. I nicked it off Twitter yesterday.(Did we already do this one, or did I nick it off twitter? Too much plagiarism, I can't keep up.)
We all have resources of words and body language. I don't understand why his resources "should" be better than yours or mine.
That suggests the "image" is a front. You're in favour of some sort of faked public persona?
As you would expect.I'm sure Mr Smith is well abreast of all that .
Hence his apology .
As you would expect.
Once the adrenaline had died away, and he could talk calmly (and privately) to his wife, agent and lawyers.
I liked his choice of words:
"Jokes at my expense are a part of the job, but a joke about Jada's medical condition was too much for me to bear and I reacted emotionally."
Seems a perfect summary of the situation to me.
I told this joke to my wife over breakfast so she had to explain it to our 6yo and it got so convoluted that it turned into a conversation about Ukraine and distraction and masculinity and I don't think she even got close to explaining the punchline.
Just imagine trying to explain it to someone who has no idea what the Oscars are, who Will Smith is or what the Fresh Prince was and who may have a vague notion at best of the concept of dusting for prints and a rudimentary understanding of gender politics. In three minutes while rushing to eat breakfast and get ready for school.
Quite important, those little words in bold.We all have emotional reactions to things.
Being a grown up is supposed to mean we can control our actions, unless were directly threatened and need to use it for self defence , violence shouldn't be in the mix of responses ..
Quite important, those little words in bold.
(Incidentally, Jada Smith's face displayed some pretty strong emotions when she heard the joke made at her expense, and looked at her husband.)
They are if they’ve been gaslighted. Just the same you could make a puppet out of a women to attack another women.Women aren't responsible for men's violence to each other.
I told this joke to my wife over breakfast so she had to explain it to our 6yo and it got so convoluted that it turned into a conversation about Ukraine and distraction and masculinity and I don't think she even got close to explaining the punchline.
Just imagine trying to explain it to someone who has no idea what the Oscars are, who Will Smith is or what the Fresh Prince was and who may have a vague notion at best of the concept of dusting for prints and a rudimentary understanding of gender politics. In three minutes while rushing to eat breakfast and get ready for school.
Over dinner she said that she thought buses and trains should be free so there's less pollution and homeless people could get about. So I tried to explain to her how tax works and how some people think we should pay more or less to pay for buses and stuff, and it ended up with her rearranging her brother's food and using broccoli as currency.Just you wait --
Bring em up too conscious - and you'll get
"Muum (or in your case Daaad) - Your privilege is showing"
- When (slightly) mithering about having to perform a third rewrite of a sensitive document ...
--- Makes you proud![]()