Will Smith. What a knobber. Discuss

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Over dinner she said that she thought buses and trains should be free so there's less pollution and homeless people could get about. So I tried to explain to her how tax works and how some people think we should pay more or less to pay for buses and stuff, and it ended up with her rearranging her brother's food and using broccoli as currency.

Broccoli as currency - sounds like my kind of gal..

I already do that.. ^_^
They are if they’ve been gaslighted. Just the same you could make a puppet out of a women to attack another women.

'Look what you made me do'.... the excuse for violence that's been trotted out for a thousand years.


Master of the Inane Comment
Come on Fabbers, tell us what you would have done to him.....
Pun-ished him.

On a slightly more serious note, these seemed to me to be almost six of one and half a dozen of the other. I say almost, because Smith did show some self-control in not hitting back.

I do wonder if there might just be something more important going on in the world at present than self-congratulations amongst a group of people who are professionals at pretending to be someone they are not.


Elder Goth
Pun-ished him.

On a slightly more serious note, these seemed to me to be almost six of one and half a dozen of the other. I say almost, because Smith did show some self-control in not hitting back.

I do wonder if there might just be something more important going on in the world at present than self-congratulations amongst a group of people who are professionals at pretending to be someone they are not.

There may well be, but you'd be comparing apples and oranges, which is totally irrelevant and pointless.


'Look what you made me do'.... the excuse for violence that's been trotted out for a thousand years.

Its also curiously - very often said by those who have historically painted themselves as rather superior beings in every way - merely by dint of their gender.

Who seem also think they should naturally be 'in charge'

- Also the ones who for some reason consider themselves 'less emotional '

Pun-ished him.

On a slightly more serious note, these seemed to me to be almost six of one and half a dozen of the other. I say almost, because Smith did show some self-control in not hitting back.

I do wonder if there might just be something more important going on in the world at present than self-congratulations amongst a group of people who are professionals at pretending to be someone they are not.

There is never a time at which there isn't something more important going on, than some argy bargy at a film awards ceremony.

Ditto football matches.

Ditto hundreds of things that inexplicably get in the news and talked about..

But this has clearly sparked some debate .

So that's what we do..


Senior Member
The slap was shocking enough, but I was further dissapointed by his apology. He was paying lip service to Chris Rock but basically said "I'm apologising but I had to do the manly thing and get violent...it wouldn't have happened if he'd left my wife out of it...so technically he forced me to do it". It's about the same level of excuse that any abuser would try to justify their abuse of others.

I thought Smith was cool but he's gone right down the list of people I want to watch in a film now.

And various comments about "it was a girly slap" etc... He definately wanted to hurt him, he only lashed out at close quarters so that he'd have the element of surprise, but you can see by the speed of the swing he meant it. And in front of not only a large audience, but millions of viewers on the TV? What did he expect; applause??
Some people gave him applause & it has boosted Rocks career even further.
Most people are ok with it because it’s just black on black mild violence.
You really can’t grasp the concept of manipulation been a part of mental abuse can you?

I can. People can be manipulated and groomed into doing all sorts of stuff, often to their own detriment, especially young people. Similarly, people can groom and manipulate others. I just don't think it applies in this case and it is too often an used as an excuse to avoid responsibility.

Will Smith is a middle aged man, not an immature head strong youth. He's managed to be disciplined and driven enough to forge a career as one of the world's top film actors. The idea that he is somehow under the thumb of his wife and that she somehow compelled him on stage to defend her honour seems unlikely. It suggests Will Smith has no control over his behaviour, which doesn't seem to be the case in any other sphere of his life.

Jada Pinket's response to the Chris Rock joke was to roll her eyes. Which seems like a fair and reasonable response to a poor taste joke. That Will Smith decided to take it further is on Will Smith and nobody else.


Elder Goth
Some people gave him applause & it has boosted Rocks career even further.
Most people are ok with it because it’s just black on black mild violence.

Where do you get the idea that 'most people are ok with it'? Russia Today? Your pals on Facebook?

The organisers of the Oscar's have condemned it and launched an investigation.

The whole thing is unsavoury all round and will probably rumble on for quite some time.

Smith is producing and starring in quite a few films over the next few years, and Rock is in a few things too. It'll be interesting to see how it all plays out.
Anyway, what do we think is a suitable punishment from the Academy, if any? Rescind the Oscar? Ban him from being nominated for 10 years? It's an unprecedented situation. He could return it himself I suppose and try to limit the damage that way.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
Anyway, what do we think is a suitable punishment from the Academy, if any? Rescind the Oscar? Ban him from being nominated for 10 years? It's an unprecedented situation. He could return it himself I suppose and try to limit the damage that way.

Don't know about punishment, but, The Academy could do me a favour, and, disband itself, and thus end the annual parade of over paid publicity seekers.


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Anyway, what do we think is a suitable punishment from the Academy, if any? Rescind the Oscar? Ban him from being nominated for 10 years? It's an unprecedented situation. He could return it himself I suppose and try to limit the damage that way.
As is being pointed out, there have been more offensive things happen at previous Oscar ceremonies, and people guilty of worse things have been given and allowed to keep awards. Roman Polanski and Harvey Weinstein for example. All Smith has done is embarrass them a bit on stage.

Is he the best actor or not? If he is then let him keep the award, anything else would be hypocritical.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
Anyway, what do we think is a suitable punishment from the Academy, if any? Rescind the Oscar? Ban him from being nominated for 10 years? It's an unprecedented situation. He could return it himself I suppose and try to limit the damage that way.
Make him attend every film honours award around the world for the rest of his life and ensure he just loses out on the awards and has to smile and congratulate the winners as if he is glad for them and not feeling pig-sick.
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