Yet more Tory sleaze….

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Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
No I didn't. Show me where I laughed at cancer. :headshake:

I probably shouldn't get any more involved in this conversation but I know that as a teacher of English you understand the difference between 'don't', 'won't' and 'can't'.
I probably shouldn't get any more involved in this conversation but I know that as a teacher of English you understand the difference between 'don't', 'won't' and 'can't'.

I do and I don't get your point. Maybe I'm missing something.


No I didn't. Show me where I laughed at cancer. :headshake:
No, you didn't.

You made a throw away remark about someone not ever having children, which given the subsequent health revelation, turned out to be inappropriate.

You then apologised profusely and unreservedly.

Like you say, what more could you do.??

Some more cynical than I might even suggest that a trap was laid for you..

But we will possibly never know.

Of course the rest of us can now wait with baited breath for apologies* for the various bits of needlessly offensive language chucked at us because..

Because for instance we really don't like what went on before, and after brexit, and we have the temerity to say so, on a UK forum aimed at discussing politics.

So much of which is still affected by brexit.

*Not really interested in any such thing, even if it did arise Tbh.
As after such prolonged and vituperative attack I'd be highly unlikely to believe in it was genuine.

Oh, and very nice swim once I was in past the initial chilly bit 🐬

Xipe Totec

Something nasty in the woodshed

A bit unsubtle, perhaps. Maybe this is something they'd all be happy to goose step march get behind?

1000 Year Breichxit.jpg
Fab Foodie

Fab Foodie

Legendary Member
Maybe, maybe not. But some attitudes are so egregious that they need to be addressed. It's not necessarily the case that one expects to change the opinion of the person displaying that attitude but it's more for the benefit of people who may be affected by similar issues to the ones being raised.

If it is trolling then that makes it even more reprehensible but I like to think that people have some decency.

Sorry but your wrong in this case.
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