Yet more Tory sleaze….

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Ian H

Legendary Member
Despite everything - and it's a lot - I remain a little bit of a fan of Cressida Dick. In this instance, I think it is really good that she has articulated the Met guidelines for when to investigate retrospectively breaches of lockdown regulations, and that she is making clear that the investigation of Downing Street is in accordance with those guidelines.
Good deflection from the woes of the misogynist Met.


Über Member
I do hope so and that he’s not unwell or something. Has anyone heard from him?
He's not posted on either site since the 7th Jan, I don't follow his posting habits, but I'm sure it's generally a lot more regular than that.


Well-Known Member

These are genuine words said by an actual Tory MP trying to defend Johnson.

Being ambushed with a cake is a serious matter . The MET have apprehended the cake and are investigating if the cake had any previous ties to terrorist organisations.


View attachment 592

These are genuine words said by an actual Tory MP trying to defend Johnson.

Being ambushed with a cake is a serious matter . The MET have apprehended the cake and are investigating if the cake had any previous ties to terrorist organisations.

Mind you it can happen .

Someone startled me with a biscuit one time, coming round a corner just a tad too quickly..


We all know you've been abducted by aubergines.

And on occasion piqued, by peppers..

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