Johnson is a liar, not a leader.
Time and time again he has lied.
£350 million a week for the NHS.
Who actually paid for the no. 10 redecoration.
Parties at no. 10.
Prioritising animals over humans airlifted from Kabul... name just a few.
He tried to run roughshod over the democratic process by illegally prorouging parliament. He's packed his cabinet with weak minded and talentless lapdogs who have a collective record of breaking the ministerial code and swivel eyed right wing ideology.
We are constantly told "the PM led this country to the best Covid response in the world!" We are being gaslighted: 170,000 dead and rising, and number 19 in the world for vaccination efficiently (not number 1 in the world as we're constantly being told).
£4billion in fraud is being written off. Just let that sink in. £4billion which could fund the NHS, schools, social care, winter fuel payments. Written off by this wasteful, dishonest and criminally corrupt government.
Yet Johnson continues, a deluded liar, a man without an iota of shame.
Shame on those who continue to defend him.