Yet more Tory sleaze….

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Well-Known Member

I wonder if the old Liz Truss might have any suitable words for the new Liz Truss...



Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
They give me the impression that she's neck deep in it, particularly the first, she's lying, she has to lie, and she knows she's about to be caught hook, line and sinker.
I wouldn't put it past Johnson to throw her to the wolves, she's his nearest challenger, and he's got something on her.

Or, I'm reading too much in to it all and this is just the demenour of someone who has been promoted waaaaayyyyyy beyond their abilities.
Even in the second one she keeps having to remind herself not to do that smile of hers. She almost breaks into one a few times.


Well-Known Member

I am sort of intrigued by the pause after the last question "were you invited to any parties". There are some options as to why.

1) She was invited to parties but realised she had to lie and was desperately racking her brain on whether she would get caught out.
2) She genuinely couldn't remember if she had been invited and had to guess.
3) She suddenly realised she was the only person not invited to any parties at Downing Street.

On the expression, it seems like she is trying to appear as a serious statesperson who has serious statesperson business and is slightly annoyed by the question on such trifles. She needs to work on it, because it just looked like she needed a Senokot.


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
FFS my wife was supposed to be WFH today but our childminder's husband had to have brain surgery yesterday so she's gone to work and I'm using up a day's leave looking after the kids. We could have used that £125.


I'm doing my bit for the economy by not claiming it...wealth has it's privilege.
Shoot, I've been wfh for years..

Don't tell me I could have been coining it all the while.?

No one ever tells me nuffink :sad:


Active Member
Have you seen Liz Truss recently? She's gone... weird. Like someone's told her to tone it down and just say nothing incriminating but she can't do it without being... weird.
I am just boggling at the idea of her toning it down. She is already politically monotonous: power, power, power... Never mind policies or principles.

As I probably mentioned, she is the MP for neighbouring towns and villages and I have campaigned with her on one issue. After posing for press photos and saying nothing interesting, she then went straight to visit the opposite campaign stall and spent the same time with them! Beware that one!


Well-Known Member
I see the MET have done Johnson a solid one, and provided cover for the worst of the Gray report to be hidden from view.

My prediction is that all the pertinent bits of the report will be redacted, Johnson will respond to all questions with the standard "I cannot comment due to an active investigation" and the MET will drag out their "investigation" in the hope everyone loses interest. Some minor unknown functionaries will get fined and lose their job. The MET will eventually return with "insufficient evidence" for doing much of anything. The worst part being that it will probably work.

I expect that Dame Cressida Dick has cemented her job for as long as Johnson is in power plus some trinkets in the honours list.

This stinks.

Xipe Totec

Something nasty in the woodshed
All completely orchestrated, and predictable.

I'm sure the future Baroness Sue Gray will be only too happy for her report to be published, once she's excised anything her owner considers to be remotely controversial or damning.

Nothing to see here.
Boris is great.
All hail Endless Triumph of Glorious Leader.
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