Yet more Tory sleaze….

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Deleted member 49

He's been sacked twice....makes you wonder what he has on Johnson ?
Lol....did like this tweet though

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Über Member


Legendary Member
It Is possible that some of the objections have come from non-Tory MPs but I’d bet a fiver to the charity of your choice that they’re overwhelmingly from Conservatives.
I've said it before, but I always liked the idea that came up in Mark Thomas' Election Manifesto;

Double MPs salary.

Yep. Lets pay them £150k per year - £200k if they are a minister and £250k for Prime Minister.

No "second jobs" or earnings outside of that salary.
No lobbying. No freebies. No gifts. No all expenses paid holidays. No expenses for second houses, personal secretaries, employing their wife as their PA etc.
No ability to take on a job related to their post or political activity for 5 years after they have ceased being a minister.
Shareholdings and investments frozen.

One salary, one job, no extra benefits.


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
I've said it before, but I always liked the idea that came up in Mark Thomas' Election Manifesto;

Double MPs salary.

Yep. Lets pay them £150k per year - £200k if they are a minister and £250k for Prime Minister.

No "second jobs" or earnings outside of that salary.
No lobbying. No freebies. No gifts. No all expenses paid holidays. No expenses for second houses, personal secretaries, employing their wife as their PA etc.
No ability to take on a job related to their post or political activity for 5 years after they have ceased being a minister.
Shareholdings and investments frozen.

One salary, one job, no extra benefits.
I would say re second homes that I understand the need for some MPs to have somewhere to stay when in Westminster for business, and to have to travel, but there's no need as I see it that couldn't be met with something like a halls of residence and a railcard.

If they had to pay for accommodation and travel out of a single wage packet, that would benefit MPs close to London (Southern: Tory) and disadvantage those further away (Northern, Scottish, Welsh: Lab, SNP, PC).


Legendary Member
I would say re second homes that I understand the need for some MPs to have somewhere to stay when in Westminster for business, and to have to travel, but there's no need as I see it that couldn't be met with something like a halls of residence and a railcard.
If they had to pay for accommodation and travel out of a single wage packet, that would benefit MPs close to London (Southern: Tory) and disadvantage those further away (Northern, Scottish, Welsh: Lab, SNP, PC).
Yep fair point. I'm up for getting them an MPs railcard and having a suitable halls of residence for visiting MPs in addition to the salary.
Another alternative given that they need to move out of Westminster anyway, is to move to virtual assembly. Much better for the environment and far more work would get done. MPs can spend more time in their constituencies rather than traipsing back and forth.
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Rees-Mogg today:
I would say the same about Partygate. All of that is shown up for the disproportionate fluff of politics that it was, rather than something of fundamental seriousness about the safety of the world and about the established global order.

When we look back in 36 years at Partygate, people will think, ‘What were they on about? They were moving from Covid to Russia and Ukraine, yet they were distracted by whether or not the PM spent five minutes in his own garden.’ It’s fundamentally trivial.

The 2022 Good Day To Bury Bad News?
Let us decide if it was "disproportionate fluff", matey-boy.
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