American bombshell? Roe vs. Wade....

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qigong chimp

Settler of gobby hash.
I've not got a womb.
Another pointless thread.


You can't be said to be a free country and deny women's rights over their bodies....
This is scary:

The birth (sic) of the anti-abortion movement is very bizarre and told beautifully in Jon Ronsons podcast for BBC radio series 'Things fell apart'....

The USA is a sick fcucked-up place...

The attempt to control women and their bodies isn't restricted to the US though is it.?

With a few almost-there (Scandi lands mostly) exceptions It's a pretty global phenomenon, just varying degrees of awfulness

If the US and anywhere else wanted to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies they would fully fund universal reproductive health care

If they cared about children they would have a properly funded and run welfare state.

As it is it's just another control the women policy.

Otherwise, why force unwanted pregnancies on women.??

How about a sex (with men) strike??
Oh women of the US.

Might make a few more guys who think it's 'none of my business' sit up and fight for the bodily autonomy of women..


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Queenie must be facing a stiff enough bill .

I still can't believe we had a situation where you couldn't get benefits for a third child ..
Unless you could prove it was the result of rape .

What kind of a country is this .??

I think I read somewhere that since China have relaxed their rules, there are now only two countries in the world with a two child policy. I can't remember which the other one was.

Regarding abortion, I don't really want to get into it as I find it quite upsetting and don't consider it to be a 'debate' at all, other than to say, and I know it's because of the US legal system, that I really dislike the confrontational use of the term 'versus'. It feels unnecessarily antagonistic to me.

Excuse the multiple parenthetical clauses.


Well-Known Member
You can't be said to be a free country and deny women's rights over their bodies....
This is scary:

A good soundbite that actually does not stand up to scrutiny.
All laws control what people do - some with property, some with their body. For example the law says I cannot put Class A drugs into my body. So does that mean its not a free country?

All laws are a balance between competing rights. In the case of the abortion laws, the rights of the unborn child have to be balanced against the right of the female not to give birth / continue the pregnancy.

How a society balances competing rights & interests is a legitimate debate
None of the above should be twisted into saying I am anti abortion . I am not expressing a view on whether abortion should be allowed or not.
Fab Foodie

Fab Foodie

I think I read somewhere that since China have relaxed their rules, there are now only two countries in the world with a two child policy. I can't remember which the other one was.

Regarding abortion, I don't really want to get into it as I find it quite upsetting and don't consider it to be a 'debate' at all, other than to say, and I know it's because of the US legal system, that I really dislike the confrontational use of the term 'versus'. It feels unnecessarily antagonistic to me.

Excuse the multiple parenthetical clauses.

Understand. But in the USA it has now become a 'versus' question.....
Fab Foodie

Fab Foodie

A good soundbite that actually does not stand up to scrutiny.
All laws control what people do - some with property, some with their body. For example the law says I cannot put Class A drugs into my body. So does that mean its not a free country?

All laws are a balance between competing rights. In the case of the abortion laws, the rights of the unborn child have to be balanced against the right of the female not to give birth / continue the pregnancy.

How a society balances competing rights & interests is a legitimate debate
None of the above should be twisted into saying I am anti abortion . I am not expressing a view on whether abortion should be allowed or not.

No shoot Sherlock....


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Understand. But in the USA it has now become a 'versus' question.....

Indeed, which is in fact consistent with my not considering it a debate. As far as I'm concerned it's an issue where there's a right side and a wrong side, and I have very little time for those on the wrong side.


Legendary Member
Yep - the rot set in with this guy...


All uphill

Active Member
Really? Roe vs Wade was in the early 70s, that is 50 years ago, but the rot only set in 5 years ago in relation to abortion? I don't think so.

There was a Radio 4 programme a few months ago about the way abortion became a hot issue for the religious right in the USA in the 1990s twenty years after Roe vs Wade. It was only then it became the hugely divisive and useful campaign issue it now is there.

I'll see if I can find a link
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