Another Labour lass torpedoes the party

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Pale Rider

Pale Rider

The bolded bit is nonsense on stilts. If anybody else is convinced I've got it in for Paley please say so. At NO stage in this thread have I personally attacked you. Criticised the content and style of stuff you've posted for sure. Personally attacked? NO.

Questioning your post about Webbe is absolutely on topic; perhaps you could respond in kind rather than going all personal.

Give over, you've all but called me a misogynist and a racist, and you've 'liked' posts that do so.

In forum terms, that's a personal attack, although I accept it doesn't bother me one bit so your efforts are harmless.

Try being gender and colour blind when it comes to criminals.

It makes everything very simple.
@Pale Rider as I've said before I use the like facility for posts I find apt or amusing. Please don't treat my likes as some sort of campaign to needle you.

I found the use of the word 'creature' uncomfortable.

I wondered if you'd care to explain.

However, since you could have done so two pages back and before lunch I guess you've no intention of engaging with a subset of the thread's topic.


Give over, you've all but called me a misogynist and a racist, and you've 'liked' posts that do so.

In forum terms, that's a personal attack, although I accept it doesn't bother me one bit so your efforts are harmless.

Try being gender and colour blind when it comes to criminals.

It makes everything very simple.
I don't think I have ever called you a racist in those terms (partly, but only partly, from a sense of forum decorum, but mainly because I don't think that's a helpful classification - pretty well all of us have racial biases, what matters is whether we indulge them or try to recognise and eliminate them). But I have pointed out, and will continue to point out, when your posts carry racist undertones, and I won't be alone in that. As TheClaud has just pointed out, the current question mark around the racist meaning conveyed by your use of the word "creature" is not your first, or most glaring, episode on NewNACA.
Pale Rider

Pale Rider

"Never mind me, let's talk about you.
What do you think of my latest post

As always, several other posters tried to make the thread about me.

Perhaps you'd care to tick them off for doing so.

Any chance of a post on topic?

Thought not.

Come to think of it, is anyone going to post on topic?

Thought not.

Rusty Nails

Country Member
As always, several other posters tried to make the thread about me.

Perhaps you'd care to tick them off for doing so.

Any chance of a post on topic?

Thought not.

Come to think of it, is anyone going to post on topic?

Thought not.
On topic, I think your use of the word creature to refer to Webbe is way OTT, and compares very unfavourably to your lack of response to posts referring to the disgraced Tory, Paterson.

As a court reporter would your editor approve of or allow the use of the word to describe other people found guilty of a crime you report on?

You are quick to criticise the Labour minister Rayner for her inflammatory use of the word scum, but see nothing wrong in an equally inflammatory word, creature, to describe another former Labour MP.

Do you see a pattern here? You like to pretend you are just being fair and straight-talking on political matters when compared to the "biased" comments of "lefties" and fail miserably to see how your posts come over as the rantings of a biased "rightie". My previous comment about removing the mote from your eye is still relevant.

It is perfectly on topic to talk, not just about Webbe's actions, but your blatant bias in commenting on them, and your obsession in making this and every thread about persecution of you by us wicked lefties.

Fab Foodie

Legendary Member


Active Member
I think certain people in NACA are enjoying themselves far too much... kindly stop, it's off-putting to those of us who are trying to concentrate on torpedoes and their use thereof.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
There's a debate to be had (and we are, sort of, having it) about the appropriateness of calling this government scum. I would have hoped that calling a black woman a "creature" was rather more clear cut. Honestly, is the gap from that to making monkey noises at black footballers all that great?
To be clear…. No way am I condoning monkey chants, or, derogatory terms, such as scum, creature, etc. I am not aware of a scale of measurement which compares “white” derogatory terms, with “black” derogatory terms. In my simple world, certain behaviors are unacceptable, regardless of the persons race, colour, gender, etc, etc. We are all members of the human race, and, we all deserve to be treated accordingly.
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