Freedom of speech has its limitations - it always has done .I’m not saying it’s all bad, it has many good points but also can have a darker side. I guess it’s awareness of unfairness in the treatment of others not only makes the world a better place and us better people, it creates a culture in which the marginalised receive empathy instead of blame. When you say it like that you wonder why there’s so many push backs? Also many people have had fair opinions but have been cancelled. Freedom of speech all the way.
It doesn't mean freedom from consequences for what you say
(If you say horrible things about people it's unlikely they will invite you to their event for example)
If you incite hatred against, or harm done to others with your speech there can be legal, but also social consequences.
I think what has shifted a lot lately (or in part at least is that minorities, and people (such as women) whom hitherto had to put up with horrible things said against them by the dominant class, are standing up and not having it any more.
The 'pushback' comes from people who always used to be 'allowed' to say any old schizzle about anyone else, suddenly being told 'sorry that's not ok' then getting their arrisses in their hands about being told that they need to modify their language, and claiming a false 'victimhood' as a result.
So they claim they've been 'cancelled' when in fact they've just been reminded to have some respect for all other humans..