The anonymous open letter you quote seems to be attempting to use advances in infant mortality to excuse continuing unnecessary pollution, which is absurd, concluding with an argument that we shouldn't panic, but I don't recall Greta standing under a banner calling for panic. It's the second-worst sort of distracting rhetoric and I'm disappointed you seem to have fallen for it.
I would have thought you would have known my sense of humour by now!
The open letter was by Boris Palmer, Bürgermeister/mayor of Tübingen and a leading light in the German Green party. Wrote and excellent book called 'first the facts then the morals'. Included a chapter about climate change in which he actually interacted with the arguments most commonly put up by sceptics - an unusual thing to happen. A very perceptive observer of the social media scene.
If you read the letter again you will see he is on board with the climate narrative. He wrote the open letter because the use (what I consider abuse by adults) of Thunberg and her delivery of the
how dare you speech is likely to backfire amongst the large part of the population who need to persuaded to change their lives - unless a totalitarian government has to do it for them. He is very good at looking at the bigger picture when people make environmental claims.
Rich privileged young western millennials complaining about how hard done by they are isn't remotely convincing. Palmer wasn't quite as blunt as that, but the idea is fully justified.
Whatever you view on this panic is not the answer. Merkel panicked after the Japanese tsunami and rapidly withdrew from nuclear energy. Renewables simply can't make up the difference yet, so it was a totally irrational decision if you are getting out of fossil fuel use.