District elections

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What people fail to realise is that most Tories are on the make financially.
Take Matt Hancock. He gets a TV invite to explain his worthless 'for charity', and gets paid another £10,000 for further ducking and diving.
That used to be typical for a good percentage but now it is typical for near all of them.
Aren't a lot of them though, from all parties? I think you could fairly say that 50 years ago there weren't the post-politics jobs that there are now and being an MP or minister wasn't a stepping stone to lucrative advisor posts, consultancy jobs, or big public sector/charity head honcho careers. There wasn't a massive after dinner speaking circuit that paid £10k a pop, newspaper columns or tv gigs to be had, or jobs in the UN or EU to bump up to.

It's part of the problem with modern politics imo, every MP has their eye on what comes next and being in parliament is just a stepping stone to something else. I still think the best constituency MP's are probably the ones you've never heard of because they're too busy doing their job.
Ian H

Ian H

Legendary Member
One of our prospective town councillors describes himself as having a background in policing, security, finance and organised crime worldwide.
Be careful who you vote for.

He polled the lowest of eight.

The Crofted Crest

Active Member
I stlli reckon Keir Starmer is on a trajectory to be the best Labour leader to become Prime Minister since ... ooh... Neil Kinnock.
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Well-Known Member
Before the local elections, the Tories were briefing out an "expectation" to lose 1000 councillors - which is the standard tactic to publicly state higher loses than you expect in order to spin it as a better result than feared.

With councils still yet to post results (219 declared out of 230) they are over 1000.

This has been a very bad day for the Tories.

[Edit] Apologies to Beebo who got there first....

Deleted member 121

It is but a local election and a general election is still over a year away. But a Labour - Libdem coalition the most likely scenario if i had to place money on it today. There are of course a few question marks over the SNP and Labour in Scotland and what might happen in the "red wall" seats but i do think Labour would be fairly happy today and perhaps Libdems the happiest. Greens did well of course, regardless...


Massive gains for the Conservatives apparently



Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
It’s now very clear that the next government will be either Labour or a left leaning coalition as no party will join with the Tories.

Remember these are English elections in mainly rural locations. The traditional Labour urban areas didn’t vote, nor did Scotland or Wales.

So this isn’t telling us very much overall.

OMG, I have been living in the Tory heartlands for the past 70 odd years, and, didn't realise it.


A few days ago the Tories were saying they thought they could lose 1000 seats.

This figure was, of course, deliberately pessimistic because it was expectation management. Say you are going to do really badly enables you to frame anything less bad as a victory.

So the fact that they actually did lose 1000 seats makes this objectively hilarious.


New Member
There were 3 Tories, 3 Labour, 1 Lib & 1 Green on the ballot paper, competing for 3 seats.

I voted Green, Liberal & one Labour, and got 3 Tories.

Yeah, our gammon-tastic / where-boomers-go-to-die ward still saw the Tory candidate get nearly twice the votes of any other in the running; however they did lose control of the district council which is now NOC.

While I don't doubt that a Labour win at the next GE would be preferable to another five years with the nation's collective throat under the toff boot, I don't expect much of an improvement - maybe a bit less corrupt and cruel but likely just as incompetent. Starmer seems to be entirely devoid of both charisma or legitimate idealogical conviction and I suspect very few Labour policies will actually be properly left-wing; more like the Tory-lite crap we all had to suffer at the hands of warmonger Blair..
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