General Election 2024....

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Deleted member 159

Bollox! Bollox! Bollox!

Need I say more?

You expose your stance, DIE mediocrity for little Johnny
I had teachers like that in the sense, yes they would deal with the bad kids in school, swiftly with force if needed.

However they commanded great respect, a touch of fear. I had one such teacher, who I had my best exam results with in mathematics/ statistics.

Kids do not behave badly without a very good reason. It could be bullying, family issues, mental health issues. Again, a lot of peer reviewed evidence to prove that.

Did they command respect or were kids afraid of asking them anything for fear of having the shi*t beaten out of them for daring to ask?

Are you sure you have teachers in your family? I doubt it.
Yes really. Three children, privately educated from kindergarten to 6th form.

So these private schools beat the sh*t out of your kids and humiliate them?

Do you have teachers in your family? It's doubtful as they wouldn't be allowed near teaching if they behaved as you say in your posts.

Remember, this has been my job for 15 years. I do know what I'm talking about.

Deleted member 159

Kids do not behave badly without a very good reason. It could be bullying, family issues, mental health issues. Again, a lot of peer reviewed evidence to prove that.

Did they command respect or were kids afraid of asking them anything for fear of having the shi*t beaten out of them for daring to ask?

Are you sure you have teachers in your family? I doubt it.

I don't know the background from the bad kids , said teacher had a great respect, strict but fair to all his pupils.

He set homework, his rule was hand it on next lesson. If you didn't do it, see him before the lesson. I did miss my homework once, went to see him before class. He said fine, doubled the homework for the following lesson. Which I met.

A girl in his class didn't hand in her homework at lesson, he tore a strip off her . She never forgot to do it again. He progressed to be headmaster after I left secondary school.

I remember to this day those two aspects of his manner.


Reading around the chip
I love how the Best Person for the Job dudes are totally relaxed about the cradle-to-grave affirmative action and Accelerated Promotion Schemes for upper-class white males that have been rampant our entire lives and resulted in endless gazillions of talented and dynamic people getting pushed around and held down by entitled toffs, briefcase wankers, and the forelock-tuggers busy ingratiating themselves with the other two groups. Because of course what they really believe is that the Best Person for the Job is either someone like them, or someone like the guy they imagine themselves being if only they hadn't been held back by The Blob.
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