General Election 2024....

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Not this bullshît again. Banking crisis caused by dodgy US mortgages. Nothing to do with UK govt...although they had to prop up.the banks.

Only similarity is Covid. Not Tories fault, although Tories used it to enrich their friends. The Tories also gave us Brexit.

I never understood why Labour never challenged the canard that the 2008 crisis was down to left wing policies.


Elder Goth
Not this bullshît again. Banking crisis caused by dodgy US mortgages. Nothing to do with UK govt...although they had to prop up.the banks.

Only similarity is Covid. Not Tories fault, although Tories used it to enrich their friends. The Tories also gave us Brexit.

Andy doesn't understand basic algorithms.

It's therefore vanishingly unlikely that he may have even a basic grasp on geo-politics.

My recommendation would be ten of the best to teach him some common sense.

Thrash him until he sees it.

- Yours, The Head
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The others are all possible options. As is a wealth tax.
The wealth tax idea is a tricky one. This is a great article that summaries the problem:

Essentially taxing wealth is on a hiding to nothing because the very wealthy are very good at hiding their wealth. Instead you charge an income tax on wealth and capital gains on the sale of that wealth. The balance is not charging so much tax on wealth that the wealthy people don't just leave and go to a different country - although, it has been suggested that the *idea* of this happening is only that, and in reality most people can't be bothered with the hassle.
Its no different to when labour were last in power. They left a letter saying there was no money left- which they were right. Ever since the UK finances have been in the toilet.

As above common thing, or at least was until SM made it so easy to misrepresent.

In 1964 outgoing Tory Chancellor Reggie Maudling left a message to his successor along the lines of sorry to leave things in such a mess old cock.


Senior Member
This is all working out very well

In spite of only getting naff all seats Farage managed to be one of only 3 people whose speechs to Parliament was on Sky News main news

so - Starmer as PM
Sunak as Leader of the Opposition
and Farage because he used his time to say how terrible Berscow was - which got him his headlines and screen time on the main news

Job done

rude disrespectful git


Lots of parents are indoctrinating their children.
I suppose the teacher/s could have done a better job and simply broadened narrowing minds.
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The far right always make a beeline for the education system for fear that the kids will be more intelligent than them and will see through their racist bulls*it.

It’s what keeps the Republicans in business. They need a underclass to do the menial work but also to vote for them. It’s a massive conundrum.

Keep the rural population down and then tell them that foreigners are coming to take their rubbish jobs.


Lots of parents are indoctrinating their children.
I suppose the teacher/s could have done a better job and simply broadened narrowing minds.

It does seem to have escaped his tiny mind that even if the teachers were educating the children about Reform....


Also all the teachers actually had to do was say Reform is great - vote for them when you are old enough. That's going to put 99% of kids off straight away. "OMiGod... I am so not voting for them now - not if our loser teacher likes them"

the snail

Active Member
They wouldn’t need to do as much of either had the Tories not stuffed their (and all their mates’) pockets full of cash.

Not forgetting Liz ‘The Human Hand Grenade’ Truss wiping a further £30 billion from the public purse in just 49 days during her disastrous tenure as PM.

Plus the £40billion a year hit to the taxpayer from brexit.


Senior Member
Lots of parents are indoctrinating their children.
I suppose the teacher/s could have done a better job and simply broadened narrowing minds.

This is, of course, a load of bull

I was a teacher for many years - Secondary school mostly - last 3 years ina Primary school

If the kids asked anything about politics then I would try to give a balanced answer and encourage them to find real facts - rather than "influencers" or Facebook - and ask them why they think that
etc etc

I have never met a teacher who would "indoctrinate" kids
unless you determine the word "indoctrinate" as meaning asking them to think

In any case most teachers have enough problems with discipline, teaching the subject and sticking to the requirement of Senior Manglement to try to get to push a political point

I bet if we had the details of what the teachers are supposed ot have said then it will be obvious

but then we don;t as far as I could tell when I saw it this morning - so I could be wrong
but I doubt it
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