General Election 2024....

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Remember folks, vote early, vote often.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
The talking heads have taken over. I reckon most of the population have tuned out with boredom before Kier even got to join in.


Über Member




Well-Known Member
This is actually a stroke of genius that people are totally missing

As we know he hasn't got a hope in Hell's chance of staying as leader after they loose the election

After which he will resign as an MP and start a new company

Selling "Sunak Hair Gel - guaranteed to stay dry"
after a few months it will have to be banned by The Swimming Association as it amazing water repelling ability will make the swimmer virtually friction free in water
swimmer shaving their legs will be a thing of the past

After that a slightly more resilient version will be sold to the MOD (or the equivalent Armed Forces in another high bidding country) to coat submarines and warships giving a 50% speed increase with no extra fuel consumption
and hypersonic torpedoes will become a reality

This is The Plan - he could get rich(er) than his wildest dreams


This is actually a stroke of genius that people are totally missing

As we know he hasn't got a hope in Hell's chance of staying as leader after they loose the election

After which he will resign as an MP and start a new company

Selling "Sunak Hair Gel - guaranteed to stay dry"
after a few months it will have to be banned by The Swimming Association as it amazing water repelling ability will make the swimmer virtually friction free in water
swimmer shaving their legs will be a thing of the past

After that a slightly more resilient version will be sold to the MOD (or the equivalent Armed Forces in another high bidding country) to coat submarines and warships giving a 50% speed increase with no extra fuel consumption
and hypersonic torpedoes will become a reality

This is The Plan - he could get rich(er) than his wildest dreams

He will definitely resign but the sensible money is on him moving back to the US.

School term starts at the end of August, so he needs to be over there by then.
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