General Election 2024....

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Elder Goth
The BBC loves Nigel & bends over backwards for him. On the other hand, everybody hates the SNP!

Nigel just wants to Make Britain Great Again, but that other lot - well, they want to destroy it, don't they?

I wouldn't say that they love him, but certainly seem to give him a disproportionately high amount of airtime.

You're not wrong about the SNP though. The slightest of transgressions and the MSM are all over them like a rash.

Xipe Totec

Something nasty in the woodshed
I wouldn't say that they love him, but certainly seem to give him a disproportionately high amount of airtime.

You're not wrong about the SNP though. The slightest of transgressions and the MSM are all over them like a rash.

Quite right too. Bloody stamp thieves!




The thing is, it doesn't matter what the intentions are. The reality is that the UK cannot just slot back into membership of the customs union and/or the single market. It would take the best part of a decade, and certainly more than a 5 year term of office.

Therefore, from Starmer's perspective, it makes no electoral sense to talk about Brexit and rejoining at this stage in the electoral cycle. About 52% of people either don't know or don't want to rejoin, so it is not universally popular, and there is no point poking that bear when there is nothing to be gained electorally from it.

Once the election is won the discussions can start, but putting it on the table will take place much later.


Therefore, from Starmer's perspective, it makes no electoral sense to talk about Brexit and rejoining at this stage in the electoral cycle. About 52% of people either don't know or don't want to rejoin, so it is not universally popular, and there is no point poking that bear when there is nothing to be gained electorally from it.
I think your stats may be out of date now. The most recent poll from 20/21 june (Omnisis) puts it at 61 rejoin / 39 stay out, and the poll of polls for June says 57/43.

Once the election is won the discussions can start, but putting it on the table will take place much later.
Agreed. I suspect they will move relatively quickly to rejoin the customs union and freedom of movement will follow eventually.


An interesting angle on the Election.

Using this to choose who to vote for might be the best we have to declare Brexit the failure it was always going to be.
However it looks fallible. Seems I am voting Green, even if the Greens can be a bit cookie.

Edit - with such severe doubts about this I might just ignore it. It seems so suspect it might let Reform in.
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