General Election 2024....

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Xipe Totec

Something nasty in the woodshed
There's a Volt candidate standing in my constituency.

What - the electric bike brand Volt?


New Member
. . . Sunak is absolutely screwed. He’s given up and the audience are laughing at him.
I totally agree.

Sunak is in the somewhat unique position of captaining the Titanic, whilst having a map of the icebergs and aiming for every single one of them.

As a result, it's looking like Labour have a good chance of getting a super-majority - not through competence (perceived or otherwise), but through the public being absolutely sick to death of the incumbents, while Sunak runs possibly the worst election campaign ever.

The truth is, Labour have pretty much had a free pass during this campaign and the press spotlight has not been shone on them or their policies, as Sunak is too busy gesticulating to the press at the open goal(s) he is presenting.

I find it disappointing, that Labour is set to abandon its promise to scrap university tuition fees in England if it wins power. Sir Keir Starmer has said that the party was "likely to move on from that commitment", blaming the economic backdrop. (The Labour leader pledged to support getting rid of fees in his 2020 leadership campaign).

I think that when folk are standing in the polling booth, reality will kick in and that most will vote Labour, a few will vote Tory and even fewer will vote LibDem. Despite what some might fear, I'd be very surprised, if Reform win more than 2 or 3 seats - and that's being generous.


Über Member
It's not much more than a week ago that the Tory battle cry was that Labour didn't have a plan. Now they're saying that Labour have lots of underhand plans. U-turn if you want to....


It became the titanic as soon as the Brexit vote was declared and stupidly followed though.
Boris Johnson exclaiming something like 'Oh shoot' when informed of the unwanted win turned out to be prophetically exact.


Far less than the anagram of Farage. A Leering F**.

I think it's just down to a contest between Hi Risk Anus and Mere Rat Risk, with We Rave, Daddy in third place.

Xipe Totec

Something nasty in the woodshed
Just in case you're not joking, because I can't tell if you are or not.
I was, but I suppose the context lacks sublety. That, and a lot of people (not necessarily here) seemingly convinced that all of the country's problems can be solved by electing a private company owned by public-school educated fascist millionaires.
Mere Rat Risk

Don't you mean Mr Arse Trike? Or Arse Rim Trek?

And aren't you forgetting Anal Egg Fire?

Rusty Nails

Country Member
I was, but I suppose the context lacks sublety. That, and a lot of people (not necessarily here) seemingly convinced that all of the country's problems can be solved by electing a private company owned by public-school educated fascist millionaires.

Don't you mean Mr Arse Trike? Or Arse Rim Trek Trek Arse Rim?

And aren't you forgetting Anal Egg Fire?

For a (sort of) cycling forum the first two are more relevant, especially the latter which could be a big seller for an uncomfortable ride.

Bad Company

New Member
It became the titanic as soon as the Brexit vote was declared and stupidly followed though.
Boris Johnson exclaiming something like 'Oh shoot' when informed of the unwanted win turned out to be prophetically exact.

A majority including me voted to leave. There were a multitude of reasons mine was predominately the EU becoming all too powerful. Years ago I voted for membership of the Common Market and would do so again.

Ian H

Legendary Member
Anecdata onna bike. Yesterday, pedalling around Devon and Somerset, it was interesting to see the posters along the way. Rural west and north Devon were mostly a sea of blue; The towns were near exclusively orange. Similarly in Somerset except that the Levels were orange. I don't think I saw a single poster for other parties. Down here in East Devon it seems to be majority orange.
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