Survation are calling a majority of 316!
Can they be that wrong?
Find out, this time on Friday!
Electoral Calculus seems to have collapsed under the strain of people wanting to look at poll results. Most polls are giving Labour over 420 seats in total. Survation are going for 484 with the Tories getting 64 - only 3 more seats than the Lib Dems. They say their predictions are accurate to within 14 seats if they get the distribution right, otherwise 15+ seats.
YouGov have 431 Labour, 102 Con, 72 LIb Dem
More In Common have 430 Labour, 126 Con, 52 Lib Dem
FocalData have 444 Labour, 108 Con, 57 Lib Dem
All the Tories have left is scare tactics because they have found the word "supermajority" and think it sounds scary.