No Shamima Begum Thread?

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It's also missing the point in a somewhat spectacular fashion


Do explain why she can’t come home then? Our government let her down in the first place.
I can help you out. The idiots running the place only do things if they think it will look good in terms of £££ or votes. They decided that sticking two fingers up and telling her to go to Bangladesh would score better with their voters / funders.


Ian H

Legendary Member
I can help you out. The idiots running the place only do things if they think it will look good in terms of £££ or votes. They decided that sticking two fingers up and telling her to go to Bangladesh would score better with their voters / funders.


I suppose you could call it outsourcing.


Senior Member
You must be smoking crack. The babies were in a dirty Syrian refugee camp. Doctors said they were born strong & healthy. At least one was confirmed dead from Pneumonia. If she had not been so called groomed, she’d have been in the U.K. and her children would have access to better medical care so lived. You’re just another lefty terrorist sympathiser. Loads have been allowed back in the U.K, so do enlighten us all why they are making an example of her as you’re quite an expert on such domestic affairs?


No not smoking crack - never even tried it but them I'm old so it was never a thing

anyway to the point
I think only one of the babies was born in a refugee camp - so there is that - but I have no idea of the condition where the others were born - but fI would think ISIS would try to look after babies as they would have been wanting the next generation of cannon fodder
If she hadn't been groomed she would not have had babies at such a young age - maybe just starting to think about it now?? So there is that
Terrorist sympathiser - REALLY???
why do you say that - is she a terrorist - pray show evidence
also - I think I stated that she should be careful controlled when she comes back and not wrapped in comfy blankies and cuddled - I have no sympathy for her if she did anything terrorist based - and everything she did(and can be proved) she should suffer for.
Same as for the isis people back in uk
QUote from Independent
Research by The Soufan Centre estimated that at least 425 British Isis members have so far returned to the UK – the largest cohort in Europe.
End Quote
As far as I can tell she is less of a risk than many of those - and many of them have 'dissappeared' - which I admit does make bringing more back a bit worrying

and your last bit
Loads have been allowed back in the U.K, so do enlighten us all why they are making an example of her as you’re quite an expert on such domestic affairs?

I am not an expert on this - but I have read a fair bit about it - some of it extreme in varying ways
As I said - some have come back - so why her
I would say purely media attention - so it makes the government look like they are doing something - and she ends up as the scapegoat - when others may be a far higher risk

Still unsure why any of that makes me a lefty - I don't really think looking at facts is a political view???

anyway - back to the crack
or tea - whatever it was


Senior Member

No not smoking crack - never even tried it but them I'm old so it was never a thing

anyway to the point
I think only one of the babies was born in a refugee camp - so there is that - but I have no idea of the condition where the others were born - but fI would think ISIS would try to look after babies as they would have been wanting the next generation of cannon fodder
If she hadn't been groomed she would not have had babies at such a young age - maybe just starting to think about it now?? So there is that
Terrorist sympathiser - REALLY???
why do you say that - is she a terrorist - pray show evidence
also - I think I stated that she should be careful controlled when she comes back and not wrapped in comfy blankies and cuddled - I have no sympathy for her if she did anything terrorist based - and everything she did(and can be proved) she should suffer for.
Same as for the isis people back in uk
QUote from Independent
Research by The Soufan Centre estimated that at least 425 British Isis members have so far returned to the UK – the largest cohort in Europe.
End Quote
As far as I can tell she is less of a risk than many of those - and many of them have 'dissappeared' - which I admit does make bringing more back a bit worrying

and your last bit

I am not an expert on this - but I have read a fair bit about it - some of it extreme in varying ways
As I said - some have come back - so why her
I would say purely media attention - so it makes the government look like they are doing something - and she ends up as the scapegoat - when others may be a far higher risk

Still unsure why any of that makes me a lefty - I don't really think looking at facts is a political view???

anyway - back to the crack
or tea - whatever it was

That was a good answer. I’d have to go with the scapegoat theory. It is wrong to pick on her the most but a young girl will create the most media attention. Stick to tea we have a good tea thread.
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