fozy tornip
At the controls of my private jet.
Is 'raising a Datix' related to 'pushing up daisies'?
Is 'raising a Datix' related to 'pushing up daisies'?
What is it then, I'm sort of asking?
What is it then, I'm sort of asking?
Google is your friend
Unpacking obscure acronyms the first time you use them in a text is friendlier.
Nothing I would suspect, other than the fear of “reprisals” from management. Makes you wonder for whose benefit the NHS is run, doesn’t it? I think patients are way down the list.
That's what the consultants are saying, but it comes as a surprise to me.
Consultants tend to be a law unto themselves, often outspoken, and certainly not likely to cower on receipt of a snotty email from a management which enjoys no respect.
I suppose at this stage of the process, everyone who was anywhere near Letby is trying to make their own ends right.
There's however, the fact that some consultants were forced to write a letter of apology to her for not wanting her back in the ward.
There's also something strange I read. Apparently her father was involved in getting her reinstated and to get the letter of apology. It is not clear to me in what capacity Letby's father could have been involved.
also found that unlikely in that I suspect a couple of consultants of my acquaint in the same position would have told management to 'kiss my ass' rather than write a letter they didn't mean.
Was doing some work with a Trust a year or so ago and the management was appalling. I flagged several issues to them around patient/practitioner risk . All they were interested in was covering their arses.
I was quite concerned so raised a Datix, it got some wheels in motion but they were still ass covering when I moved on.
Are you surprised by that?having ignored and even tried to shut down complaints
They do.we need to employ managers with enough nous to manage a difficult situation
You don't say.When we believe a certain group are beyond suspicion, and therefore scrutiny, its only a matter of time before the "baddies" are drawn to that profession or occupation
A society that doesn't want to listen when people try to draw attention to what goes on in the NHS can't really complain when it escalates to the point of murder.True, one would suspect that, no matter what the evidence, the jury members would find it very difficult to believe that a nurse could do such things.
Everyone knew his patients were dropping like flies, that's why they called him Dr Death, and yet his patients were so outraged by the suggestion he was a killer they bounced the police out of the house for suggesting it. It's interesting just how far a good bedside manner and a few Christmas presents will get you.The closest comparison I can think of is the Shipman case, where again nobody wanted to think the unthinkable
Their careers of course, blow the whistle and that's your career down the drain.What would have prevented the consultants now claiming to have had their concerns mis-handled by hospital management, going direct to the police themselves?
It isn't hindsight though, is it.There will lots of handwringing but hindsight is a wonderful thing.