A society that doesn't want to listen when people try to draw attention to what goes on in the NHS can't really complain when it escalates to the point of murder.
Everyone knew his patients were dropping like flies, that's why they called him Dr Death, and yet his patients were so outraged by the suggestion he was a killer they bounced the police out of the house for suggesting it. It's interesting just how far a good bedside manner and a few Christmas presents will get you.
Their careers of course, blow the whistle and that's your career down the drain.
All the thanks Steven Bolsin got for blowing the whistle on the Bristol baby scandal was to make himself unemployable in the UK, he had to emigrate to Australia to find work. The NHS spent £10 million trying to destroy Raj Mattu.
It isn't hindsight though, is it.
There's one NHS scandal after another after another, and the story plays out the same way every time. Another inquiry, the same old conclusions, the same platitudes, and then the report getting stuffed down the back of the filing cabinet whist they carry on with business as usual. As Roy Lilley said on Channel 4 News: "I could write the report now".
The complaint system is corrupt to the core, so if there's to be any change at all it'll have to come from the public, and as long as they stand on their doorsteps clapping and telling them what heroes they are, attacking anyone else who does otherwise, the NHS will have no reason to change whatsoever.