Oh no!! Brexit not going quite as well as hoped

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Active Member
Not like I expect our media to report it but why are Labour not calling this out more for what it is ?

View: https://twitter.com/resophonick/status/1445092208705683486?t=W2CKf3dCsfMvadMMoZRJng&s=19

Thanks Adam,

To be shared wide and loud....


Über Member
Underneath all this is the question of who is the judge in these international affairs. The UK don't want it to be the ECJ but the UK has repeatedly shown itself willing to tear up international agreements. So who would the UK trust to adjudicate? And how would the EU trust a law breaker's word again? I'm smelling poses not roses.

Deleted member 49

For personal reasons...mainly family.I do hope the Irish border problems can be resolved.Its worth remembering that this goverment were willing to risk the peace process to win a election.

View: https://twitter.com/John_Cotter/status/1448046262671061013?t=hjJ7AcEOj0gOJRTQf559HQ&s=19

Deleted member 49

So, Cummings, of eye test fame is a "goodie" now? Strange old world.
Do tell where I said that ? No you can't...I knew they’ve been taking peace in Northern Ireland for granted all through Brexit so called talks ! They didn't give a feck for any thoughts and stirring up sectarian tensions in NI.One of the biggest reasons I voted remain was Ireland.Other things were secondary.
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