Runners and riders for the Tory Party leadership...

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Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Who care's, Sue Me
So who do we think is going out today???

Xipe Totec

Something nasty in the woodshed
They love a referendum in scotland tho….they wanted multiple on brexit and now another for independence.

We were quite happy rejecting Brexit by 62%, as it happens. Probably wouldn't be quite as bothered about a second independence vote if the 'democrats' in Westminster were willing to acknowledge that.


Can't spell, Can't Punctuate....Who care's, Sue Me
We were quite happy rejecting Brexit by 62%, as it happens. Probably wouldn't be quite as bothered about a second independence vote if the 'democrats' in Westminster were willing to acknowledge that.

Scotland didnt have a vote… was the UK.

but they will use anything in scotland to get a 2nd indy ref, cause they lost the first one……how democratic of you.

Xipe Totec

Something nasty in the woodshed
Scotland didnt have a vote… was the UK.

but they will use anything in scotland to get a 2nd indy ref, cause they lost the first one……how democratic of you.

It'll be a vote. the 'YES' side might lose again.

That is literally what democracy is.


Master of the Inane Comment
but they will use anything in scotland to get a 2nd indy ref, cause they lost the first one……

I would agree the indy referendum should have been a once in a generation affair, but things have significantly changed in the meantime.

Scotland wanted to stay in the EU but has been subjected to a hard Brexit, the Tories have shown no desire to take into account those who didn't want to leave and would like a closer, cooperative relationship with the EU rather than the implementation of Tory fantasies.

In doing so they may yet find they have finally brought about the end of the UK as Scotland takes back control
Scotland didnt have a vote… was the UK.

but they will use anything in scotland to get a 2nd indy ref, cause they lost the first one……how democratic of you.

How wrong can you be?

Alex Salmond did call it a once in a lifetime opportunity but, and this is the part many people conveniently miss out, he did add 'Unless there's a major material change.' What happened in 2016?

Many people voted to no due to EU membership. We were dragged out of the EU against our 'Democratic' wishes. Millions of UK citizens living abroad suddenly had their votes removed. Is that democracy?

So, don't come at us with the democracy BS. We have to ask a government in another country, that we never voted for, permission to have a say in the future of our nation which is on the verge of being hammered due to England's never ending nervous and mental breakdown.

That's not democracy, that's colonialism. And Scotland's pissed off having to deal with the end result.
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