Starmer's vision quest

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I'm with you Tool.... crush the fly tippers !

Because that will be the entirety of the Labour offer, of course. Should we be surprised that a person who worships at the altar of a ridiculous caricature should try and reduce everything to ridiculous caricature?

Let's see you attack this:

Rusty Nails

Country Member
No, you want a re-run of 2019

There will not be a re-run of 2019. It is impossible to say 100% that Labour cannot lose the next election, but there are several factors that make it different to 2019. Corbyn has gone, Brexit has happened, the worst of Covid has gone, the Tory PMs have been committing Hara Kiri.
Starmer could still win just on the dissatisfaction of the electorate for the Tories and their record, but it is disappointing that his personal satisfaction survey results are still just middling and he is afraid to say anything controversial or stray too far from Tory populist strategies.
You could be right about it being too early to be too specific about his next manifesto, and I hope so, but so far there is nothing inspiring that would make people vote  for Labour as opposed to voting  against Tories.
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Deleted member 49

There, their, they're, Adam. Hush yourself
Sorry Tool did I wake you you go.


Deleted member 49

Does anyone really believe Starmer will somehow be more progressive in government than he is in opposition ?
In fact has there ever been a government that has actually done this ?

Deleted member 49

It's more a case of fingers-crossed rather than belief.

It's not much, but at this stage it's all we've got.
It's frustrating....he's a open goal to at least try and look like he wants to change things and what do we get ?
Fecking culture wars...totally ignoring the economic problems.He can't even take a stance on unions and racism.Just in case the Tories use it against him apparently 🙄
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Rusty Nails

Country Member
We are still a LONG way off an election. You don't seem to appreciate that.

A bit less than two years, probably.

One issue is that voters can have short memories and as inflation drops the Tories have time to have some late giveaway bribes plus to ramp up the populist 'tough on immigration' rhetoric.

How long do you think it should be before Starmer starts being more specific, or should he just continue with the caution?


I think he has to be cautious. Starmer has had to move the Labour party centrewards in order to stand a chance of power next time. Despite Adam's guff Starmer could not emulate Corbyn, because Corbyn is electorally toxic. With that comes the risk of Tories moving centrewards too. As it stands they moved right because the Tory party has been captured by the right. I'm not convinced this will work for them. It's clearly a distraction strategy, but I don't think voters will see beyond their shrinking standard of living and disappearing health care. It's as much about what the Tories do over the next 18 months as what Starmer does.
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