The question is, does Labour?
They've had enough practice to get it right in the past 60 years and especially over the last thirteen, which is not exactly a ringing endorsement.
Personally I don't much like Starmer's approach, but I can see the sense in just letting the Tories continue to mess things up, which they are doing quite well on their own given the time to the next election.
There is a balance to be made between a permanent state of protest and 'let's do nothing to risk antagonising the public' and everyone will have their own opinions on where the Labour Party stands on this, but for the non-committed and those for whom the detail of politics is not an all-consuming interest, which covers most of the public imo, the current approach is working as far as the important practicalities of weakening support for the Tories are concerned.
Gesture politics vs realpolitik.