Starmer's vision quest

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And how's that working out?

Did I not spell out clearly enough that I thought our economic system is sending us down the pan environmentally?

I don't think it is a particularly radical view, and I doubt that our political leaders, in private, would contradict it.

Now try dismantling it.

People still need food. They need fuel for transport and enegy for homes. They need jobs.

Deleted member 49

That is all just bla, Adam. No depth, no detail, no focus. It's 'man down the pub' bullshît
I've never said I was anything else....where as yourself 🙄

Deleted member 49

Oh, my apologies. Should we all just be making indistinct grunting noises to make you feel better about yourself?
What the feck are you on about...don't like my replies don't use my name then.

Ian H

Legendary Member
And how's that working out?

In my gloomier moments I wonder how long I've got left and whether the planet, in its current, inhabitable form, will hang on till I go.
In the meantime - I think we've found out that charismatic leaders can be disastrous, but a little inspiration would go a long way.


What a surprise. AndyRM turning up to have a stir.


Reading around the chip
Did I not spell out clearly enough that I thought our economic system is sending us down the pan environmentally?

Perhaps elsewhere, but it's definitely not the overwhelming impression of this thread, where you mostly appear to be enjoining people to accommodate themselves to a version of the status quo on the basis of an unevidenced conviction that the grown-ups will be better at government than their history in government, actions as an opposition to date, or stated intentions suggest. I think I'm already adjusting for wind-up when I say this.
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People quite like status quo.

They find it infinitely preferable to the famine, war, great depressions and dictatorship that proceeded it, which is possibly why they are willing to accept certain inequities.


Do they like it when the status quo is omnicrisis and ecological collapse, tho?

Well that isn't quite where we are at yet, is it. And what with humans living finite lives, many will choose cognitive dissonance over active reflection on their offsprings' likely future.

Until people feel the lap of rising sea levels on their doorsteps, or the hot breath of desert winds on the barren plains of Surrey, they are unlikely to vote for any party that offers a gloomy view of the future, and yet it is gloom and only gloom that will crystallise people into action. Its Catch 22, which is why, if my estimation of collective human behaviour is correct, we are fûcked.

You can ask any party to put forward the radical agenda you hint at (although I note you are scant on detail), but they won't because it would be self-defeating.

Probably this stuff needs to come from outside electoral politics, something understood by XR and JSO.

See also the economic system driving this insane use of resources, and firing up of the atmosphere. It's all very well criticising it, but what do you propose to replace it, that will still entertain you and me being able to sit on our arses whiling away time, sipping sauvignon blanc and being twats on the Internet?
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