Starmer's vision quest

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Elder Goth

He's never once held anything other than a backbench MP position. Literally nothing.

The utter lunacy of electing a man with no leadership experience of any sort as leader played itself through to where we are now.

Other than being the leader of the Labour party? As well as other political causes? He's certainly more accomplished than you seem to have convinced yourself.


Other than being the leader of the Labour party? As well as other political causes? He's certainly more accomplished than you seem to have convinced yourself.

As I said, electing as leader a man with no experience of anything other than as a backbench MP, no ministerial stuff either in govt or opposition, literally zilch...was absolute madness.

It's no wonder it all fell apart in such spectacular fashion.

Any old twat can go and grandstand at a protest, tell the protestors what they want to hear, and get an ovation. It means jackshït. He probably is a good constituency MP. But as a leader? Absolute disaster. Doubtless you'll carry on with the Trumpian line that he was undermined by his own colleagues, and fail to ask yourself why that was (hint: they knew he would lose every election he stood as leader) or more importantly why he was not able to deal with the dissent that is inevitable in politics.


Elder Goth
As I said, electing as leader a man with no experience of anything other than as a backbench MP, no ministerial stuff either in govt or opposition, literally zilch...was absolute madness.

It's no wonder it all fell apart in such spectacular fashion.

Any old twat can go and grandstand at a protest, tell the protestors what they want to hear, and get an ovation. It means jackshït. He probably is a good constituency MP. But as a leader? Absolute disaster. Doubtless you'll carry on with the Trumpian line that he was undermined by his own colleagues, and fail to ask yourself why that was (hint: they knew he would lose every election he stood as leader) or more importantly why he was not able to deal with the dissent that is inevitable in politics.

Trumpian? Give over.

I'm no fan of Labour for reasons I've already outlined. But given the choice between Corbyn and Starmer, I know who I'd be voting for.

Your dismissal of his principles and career is fairly tragic.

Deleted member 49


He's never once held anything other than a backbench MP position. Literally nothing.

The utter lunacy of electing a man with no leadership experience of any sort as leader played itself through to where we are now.
Starmer went from being elected in 2015 as a MP to Labour Leader in 5 years ? I'd say he's been pretty lucky so far.Huge vote lead due to Tories self imploding,the media not really attacking him as he is no real threat.Plus with these feckers still in power the cost of living crisis is still going to be as bad at the next election.
Now if only he had some sort of backbone to actually try and change things.
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DPP before that.

Some sort of background that isn't just standing on a soapbox getting applause for telling people what they want to hear.

Backbone to change things?

Task 1: detoxify Labour party ✔️


Elder Goth
You still haven't given me any examples of anything he did pre-2015 disaster. There is literally nothing. Can you at least give me one achievement?

He won the Ghandi International Peace Award for his efforts as Chair of Stop the War.

You might not like him or his politics but he's actually prepared to act on his principles, rather than backtrack at every opportunity.

Starmer only looks any good because the Conservatives are an absolute shambles.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
I've never said I don't want them elected though ? I've never done student politics either..I'm always about what they represent.But crack on.

Sharing a stage with ken loach stops you from a career in the labour party,maintaining contact with a international paedophile/sex trafficker is ok?
You keep on using the word weird....🙄

Perhaps it is all part of a cunning plan, as per Baldrick?......, make it acceptable to be a friend of an international paedophile, thus, help re-habilitate Andrew, get in the good books with the Royals.......
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He won the Ghandi International Peace Award for his efforts as Chair of Stop the War.

Not to be confused with the Ghandi Peace Prize, awarded by the Indian govt, to people like Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu, and Vaclav Havel.

No, the 'Ghandi International Peace Award' is from the UK based 'Ghandi Foundation' , run from a community centre in Bromley :laugh:

Nor did he win it for Stop the War activities


Elder Goth
Not to be confused with the Ghandi Peace Prize, awarded by the Indian govt, to people like Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu, and Vaclav Havel.

No, the 'Ghandi International Peace Award' is from the UK based 'Ghandi Foundation' , run from a community centre in Bromley :laugh:

Nor did he win it for Stop the War activities

You asked for an award, you got one. He was awarded it while chair of Stop the War.

He also won the Sean Macbride Peace Prize, I think with two other recipients which you'll no doubt use as some kind of excuse to discredit it. Oh, and it was in 2017 too, so falls outside your 2015 cut off.

Your view of him as a politician, and activist, is totally flawed IMO.


An award from a village hall in Bromley.

Yeah...real statesman stuff, that.

But the 'Sean Macbride Peace Prize' ...ooh, sounds like something big. Must be why I've never heard of it*. So I did a little googling. Turns out Chelsea Manning is a previous winner. But the best bit is who they awarded the prize to the year before Corbyn...

...themselves! :laugh: :laugh::laugh:

*nor indeed, has anyone else.


I mean Corbyn getting an award from. a village hall in Bromley that has a title so easily confused with THE Ghandi Peace Prize, that actually means something, and the Sean Who? award that nobody has ever heard of, is just so... well, Jeremy Corbyn :laugh:

I've got a cycling proficiency badge. I reckon that pretty much puts me on a par with Saint Jeremy.

Deleted member 49

Tool the one who thinks Corbyn is living rent free in everyones head lol....except it's you who keeps banging on about him 🤣
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