Starmer's vision quest

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Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
It doesn't matter when it was. Its proof that the Tories will steal Labour ideas, and a vindication of Labour not saying too much too soon.

More likely for the Tories to do it near an election as they want to bribe the electorate.

ALL politicians "bribe" and/or "promise" things, in order to win votes. You continually tell us how Starmer must act/say things/not say things in particular ways in order to win. That is how it is. I don't subscribe to the overall "they are all the same" line, but, in certain characteristics (bribes, promises and weasel words being one of them) they are, all the same.

For what it is worth, I would very much like to see an end to "non-dom" status, I don't much care which party makes it happen.


ALL politicians "bribe" and/or "promise" things, in order to win votes. You continually tell us how Starmer must act/say things/not say things in particular ways in order to win. That is how it is. I don't subscribe to the overall "they are all the same" line, but, in certain characteristics (bribes, promises and weasel words being one of them) they are, all the same.

For what it is worth, I would very much like to see an end to "non-dom" status, I don't much care which party makes it happen.

That is irrelevant to the point I was making


Legendary Member
And lo. The Tories are now discussing ending non-dom status.
A Labour policy.
Well they have to get new ideas from somewhere. They don't have any good ones of their own.

For me, a good Conservative manifesto would include the following pledges:
  • Re-establish ties with Europe, particularly free trade and freedom of movement both to fill jobs and boost the economy
  • Stop the small boats by establishing safe asylum protocols
  • Eliminate the need to spend vast sums on asylum seekers by immediately processing or declaring an amnesty on asylum claims paperwork to remove the backlog and allow asylum seekers to find work and pay taxes, thus boosting the economy.
  • Establish a taxation regime that ensures multinationals pay their fair share of tax on transactions carried out within the UK, thus raising large sums of money for the treasury.
  • End non-dom status and tax breaks to ensure the wealthiest in society pay a fair share of tax.
  • Increase the non-taxable portion of salary to benefit the poorest and encourage spending.
  • Inject cash into the North of England to improve transport connections and generate jobs, and therefore wealth and revenue
  • Boost funding for the NHS, for Education and the Justice system to process backlogs and improve outcomes.
Conservatism is supposed to be about liberalisation of economic policy to generate wealth. So lets let people get on their bikes and work, and generate wealth through trade by removing barriers rather than creating them.
Since Buckfast has been casually mentioned, I'd like to point out that it's an English creation.

By monks. ^_^
It's a matter of simple arithmetic that Scotland's constiuencies have almost never made a difference to what government is elected to Westminster - I think two Labour governments in the last 60+ years owed their majority to Scottish seats. As @cookiemonster said, Scotland has not recorded a majority of Tory seats in nearly 70 years, so it's entirely fair to say Scottish votes don't count towards Westminster governments. And if the politicians Scotland does elect are denied the ability to contribute in Westminster, say, by having an un-hijacked Opposition Day vote, then it's similarly fair to wonder whether Scottish votes count at all.

Can't find any concrete info, but it's often repeated on Indy social media that the SNP would not be allowed by law to field candidates outside of Scotland - but if they were, and they achieved a majority of seats across the UK, the law would also mean they were not allowed to form a government in Westminster. If that is true I don't know why it would be the law, but realistically it might be the usual Twitter b0llocks!
It's actually true. It was put in place by David Cameron after the Indy Ref vote, 'English votes for English Laws.'

It means that no Scottish MP can ever become PM/Chancellor/Home Sec etc etc as they would not be ablet o vote on laws concerning England.

So much for the Vow.


Über Member
It's actually true. It was put in place by David Cameron after the Indy Ref vote, 'English votes for English Laws.'

It means that no Scottish MP can ever become PM/Chancellor/Home Sec etc etc as they would not be ablet o vote on laws concerning England.

So much for the Vow.

That's not what was claimed upthread. It was claimed that by law the SNP would not be allowed to field candidates in England.


Senior Member
What's the impact of Rochdale for Starmer?
Listening to the wireless this morning would suggest that Labour and the BBC have looked at the size of the win and are desperately grasping for a way to dismiss it.
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Elder Goth
Labour not backing a candidate was a big mistake I think. Rochdale is weird when it comes to voting, but George Galloway, seriously? He's an absolute roaster!
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