Yes, you are all quite right. Media space should be left for solely for Tory messaging.
Right about now, Sunak tech brother,
Check it out now, Sunak tech brother...
I assume he was going for "tech bro", realised he'd sound like a clown and then somehow made it worse?
Yeah, he stumbled over 'Tech bro' as he's obviously never said it out loud before.
I've only ever heard it used in disparaging/vaguely ironic ways before so had he managed the press would have had a field day.
Sunak is anything but in any case; for all he bangs on about technology he doesn't have a clue, remember his £180 "smart mug"? Laughable.
Yeah, he's a finance bro if anything. A City wide boy maybe, but probably* without the coke and hookers.
Speaking of Paul Mason this should be worth a laugh.